Hello, making basic 2D game, when I turn the camera that follows the player off the jumpiness goes away. Is there a way to have the camera follow player without jumpiness.

Currently I have camera as a child of the player. I am not sure how to prevent this jumpiness while the camera is following player.



    I'm not sure how to get a video under the 8mb limit without compressing it.

      xRegnarokx yeah me neither, it is smooth. dont you see that too in the video ? 😃.. maybe your potato is not capable to push frames that fast?


        There is, it is more apparent the longer you run around, the health bar wiggles. It isn't consistent movement either, so with the video having to be so short maybe it didn't capture it. Also, when I turn the camera off of following the character moves way smoother.

        kuligs2 I doubt it is my computer, it is a decent computer, so it shouldn't have issues pushing the frames on something like this.

        It is like the camera position isn't able to stay equal to the player position.

          xRegnarokx idk, in the video all seems fine to me and xyz. maybe set the camera position from inside of the camera node?

          I think something is off with your movement and/or animation.

          The players walk animation looks like it is starting over an over, the other guys looks more like it is being looped. But hard to tell without some code.
          Camera looks fine though.