Toxe Can't you just rent a small server
“Rent” is a financial issue.
Toxe Can't you just rent a small server
“Rent” is a financial issue.
Tomcat I must be able to access my contents from wherever I happen to be in the world.
can you not forward ports? I forwad ports and i was once victim of bot farm ddos attack year or more back. someone was trying to access my ssh so i just blocked the port. Then i just set up vpn (wireguard) and the rest is history.
Now i open only public ports and for my lan stuff i just use a vpn tunnel.
Tho its one way, meaning you can access stuff on your LAN but LAN cant access the client machine you connected from.
I tried to play a game withmyself (godot test) but i could not connect from home LAN to my client PC from another network through vpn.. Im sure there are IP tables and routes you could set up, im just not smart enough and for me this setup is enough..
Tomcat You mean bitbucket? Probably a bit better than github for storing files other than code but not much. That is to say binary blobs with LFS. But other than that not sure I have much more to say.
If you are trying to find something perfect then you'll probably be searching forever. "Perfect is the enemy of good enough" is the adage that comes to mind.
I think you might actually want perforce with HelixDAM
Megalomaniak You mean bitbucket?
Yeah, that includes.
If you are trying to find something perfect then you'll probably be searching forever.
I'm not looking for something perfect in this world. I didn't create it, so there can't be an ideal a priori.
I am looking for something that will not cause me such emotions (here the word “mosquitoes” (komary) should be replaced with “GitHub”):
My current project is not about revelations and discoveries, and was intended primarily to try to practice working together and storing work. Well, a negative result, in a way, is also a result.
I think you might actually want perforce with HelixDAM
Thank you, I will study it in more detail. But at first glance, this service is not available in the country I am in. And they ask you to specify the country to get the free version.
I use Github but I am a solo dev and the repositories for my projects are private.
I basically use it as a cloud backup but I also keep a hard copy on a separate drive.
SnapCracklins I use Github but I am a solo dev and the repositories for my projects are private.
In order to upload the project to GitHub, I had to split it into 6 parts(!) and give external links to 3 files, as they are over 25 Mb. When trying to clone it, errors popped up, which I don't know how to localize.
Yeah, I have a private repository too.
Makes me wonder how the hell all them games got made prior to existence of online code versioning services.
xyz Makes me wonder how the hell all them games got made prior to existence of online code versioning services.
We don't appreciate the deeds of our ancestors.
And seriously, the attempt by a small team to make an alternative to the Sims series, of course, is a provocation and can be more or less successful (not necessarily), only when using the latest technology. It is necessary to “stand on the shoulders of giants” to achieve more.
And, of certainly, everything used to be done in a team that sat at neighboring tables and could share results directly.
Tomcat My current project is not about revelations and discoveries, and was intended primarily to try to practice working together and storing work. Well, a negative result, in a way, is also a result.
If your current project is collaborative in nature and you already have another party as partner, perhaps they can get and provide the version control and data mirroring.
xyz Makes me wonder how the hell all them games got made prior to existence of online code versioning services.
Perforce isn't exactly new and many larger studios likely run their own custom infrastructure for central data management and version control. And probably always have.
Megalomaniak If your current project is collaborative in nature and you already have another party as partner, perhaps they can get and provide the version control and data mirroring.
Unfortunately, the “another party” has the same problems I have… only on a larger scale.
SnapCracklins and then one day ms shuts down gh for no reason
just bite the bullet man, self host, create a vpn so that the only port open on your network is the vpn, add your collaborators, to the vpn and the rest is history.. or just forward the git/forgejo instance port and bypass the vpn stuff..
Megalomaniak I was sarcastic there. The whole "problem" presented in this thread boils down to insisting on biting more than one can chew and then complaining about it. It's one of the most common forms of self sabotage.
@Tomcat Curb your ambitions and start with a smaller project, one that won't give you reasons to complain a lot... if you want to finish it, that is. Adapt to what's available.
If you think there's no adequate versioning service out there that's affordable or good enough, get a web hosting package for dozen bucks a year and install whatever you think you need. You could have already installed "limitless" capacity git and a wiki hundred times over since this "discussion" started. But somehow I suspect you'll now proceed to complain that web hosting is not available in your country
It ultimately always boils down to: what is available and what are your limitations. If one of your limitations is that you cannot upload/store big files on let's say GitHub then that's what it is. Accept and deal with it.
Creativity flourishes under limitations so try to find a way to work around this problem. 3D models too big? Use simpler models and lower res textures. Or make it 2D. Or procedually generate some of your assets while the game is running. Try to find an art style that goes well with your technical limitations.
Point is: You can find some way to work around these issues that still let's you and other people work comfortably on your project.
xyz get a web hosting package for dozen bucks a year
But somehow I suspect you'll now proceed to complain that web hosting is not available in your country
Surprisingly, why should it be? No complaints, just objective fact:
In order to pay the $10 hosting fee, I have to go to another country (the list of which is very limited). To do this, I need to:
So this is turning into a fascinating but rather risky adventure.
It looks about the same as suggesting you put wons (you know that currency?) into an account in North Korea or rials in Iran.
I will say a simple thing, but which I fear will be quite difficult for many to understand:
Not everything can be measured in money.
Tomcat can you not tor your way into clearnet and buy what you need/want?
I mean tor is pretty safe because of this reason that you hop throigh multiples of machines before you end up at the destination..
But like i said, self host. it seems you got no other options, i just dont understand why you so reluctant? Its not like you hosting illegal stuff? or are you planning to?