Tomcat I don't think such computers exist in practice. Watch out not to confuse trinary logic with trinary numeral system. Those are two different concepts. I was talking about the latter. But this is a "problem" of the floating point representation in general, regardless of the base. Floating point representation doesn't necessarily need to be binary. Theoretically, it can have any base. We just commonly use base 2 in computers because computers internally store data in binary form.

    xyz Watch out not to confuse trinary logic with trinary numeral system.

    That's about what I was asking:

    Setun (Russian: Сетунь) was a computer developed in 1958 at Moscow State University. It was built under the leadership of Sergei Sobolev and Nikolay Brusentsov. It was the most modern ternary computer, using the balanced ternary numeral system and three-valued ternary logic instead of the two-valued binary logic prevalent in other computers.