Jesusemora how would I make it work with inputs
Can some one help me
Raptorkillz maybe when mouse clicks the button you emit a signal that triggers the function option()
kuligs2 How would the scene tree look like
Raptorkillz it does not change scene, signals are used in script.
Okay but the img that I showed has a scroll container
Raptorkillz Jesusemora how would I make it work with inputs
what do you mean by inputs? like keys or do you mean the signals?
Raptorkillz kuligs2 How would the scene tree look like
put your buttons inside a Control
, space them anyway you want, you can use a container if you find one that can place them diagonally like that. this Control can be inside anything, but be a child of the root of the scene, you move this up and down, left and right.
for the buttons, there's an option in inspector that let's you set a next and previous button for using the keys or joystick. with the mouse is more complicated.
for triggering these functions and going to options, comp, etc, you can either hide elements of the scene and show/instantiate others, or, the easier way is to put each menu in a different tab of a tab container, so when you "press" one of the buttons it changes tab.
Raptorkillz Okay but the img that I showed has a scroll container
you asked how to do this, then hurried and did it before having any idea how.
you'll have to remake everything, that's just how things are done. you can move some of the nodes and convert others, but it's best if you keep it simple.
I don't see why you would put it inside a scroll container, it's going to look bad when the scrollbars appear and break everything, also it only goes up and down vertically, but you need to go up and to the side, down and to the other side.
you should name your nodes before continuing, even if that takes a bit longer. also you are using CanvasLayers
for holding stuff, you don't need to.
put everything in the UI inside a single Control
and avoid mixing Controls and 2D nodes. the 2D elements should be inside a Control in their corner/scene and not loose everywhere.
Jesusemora I mean inputmaps
Raptorkillz in the inspector, Controls have these options:
it will change focus to Top when pressing the up key and Bottom when pressing the down key. You can also set Mode. It's very well documented and explained in the tooltips.
Jesusemora No I mean custom input maps
Jesusemora I asked chat gpt and it gave me working code but the only thing that isn't working is that it uses tweens and the tween isn't moving
extends Control
@export var save = load("res://Data/Stages/Menu/SaveMenu.tscn")
@export var encore = load("res://Data/Stages/Menu/EncoreMenu.tscn")
@export var time = preload("res://Data/Stages/TZ/TestZonetime.tscn")
@export var options =preload("res://Data/Stages/Menu/OptionsMenus.tscn")
@export var Extras = preload("res://Data/Stages/Menu/ExtrasMenu.tscn")
#go back to title
@export var back = preload("res://Data/Stages/Title/Title.tscn")
# Variables for button management
var buttons: Array = []
var selected_index: int = 0
var tween: Tween # Declare a Tween variable
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
buttons.clear() # Clear any existing values (good practice)
# Create a Tween instance
tween = get_tree().create_tween() # Create a new Tween instance
# Loop through all child nodes of the Control node
for i in range(get_child_count()):
var button = get_child(i)
# Check if the child is a TextureButton
if button is TextureButton:
buttons.append(button) # Add it to the buttons array
button.set_meta("index", buttons.size() - 1) # Store the button index as metadata
# Connect the pressed signal using a lambda to pass the button
button.pressed.connect(Callable(self, "_on_button_pressed").bind(button))
# Set the initial selection
func _input(event):
# Handle input for navigation
if event.is_action_pressed("gm_up"):
$"../../CanvasLayer/Sprite2D".frame =0
elif event.is_action_pressed("gm_down"):
$"../../CanvasLayer/Sprite2D".frame =0
# Handle 'gm_action' for triggering the selected button
elif event.is_action_pressed("gm_action"):
if selected_index >= 0 and selected_index < buttons.size():
buttons[selected_index].emit_signal("pressed") # Manually emit the pressed signal for the selected butbutbutt
elif event.is_action_pressed("gm_action2"):
Global.main.change_scene_to_file(back, "FadeOut")
func move_selection(direction: int):
var prev_index = selected_index # Store the previous index
selected_index += direction
# Wrap around selection
if selected_index < 0:
selected_index = buttons.size() - 1 # Wrap to the last button
elif selected_index >= buttons.size():
selected_index = 0 # Wrap to the first button
# Update button visuals and start tween animation
# Tween to create a smooth transition effect
tween.stop() # Stop any ongoing tweens
var selected_button = buttons[selected_index]
var previous_button = buttons[prev_index]
# Move using `rect_position` for UI elements
var selected_target_pos = selected_button.position + Vector2(0, -10)
var previous_target_pos = previous_button.position + Vector2(0, 10)
# Create the tweens (separately without chaining)
tween.tween_property(selected_button, "position", selected_target_pos, 0.1)
tween.tween_property(previous_button, "position", previous_target_pos, 0.1)
func update_button_selection():
# Update button visuals based on selection
for i in range(buttons.size()):
var button = buttons[i]
var anim = button.get_node("MainAnimator")"default")
# Check if this button is the currently selected one
if i == selected_index:
# Play the hover animation
var start = button.get_node("MainAnimator")"click")
var animation_player = button.get_node("ShadeBlink") # Adjust the path if needed"blink") # Play the hover animation
$"../../CanvasLayer/Sprite2D".frame =4
func _on_button_pressed(button):
# Retrieve the index from the button's metadata
var index = button.get_meta("index")
# Play the press animation
var animation_player = button.get_node("MainAnimator") # Adjust the path if needed"blinkLabel") # Play the press animation
# Handle button press actions based on the index
match index:
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
Note: Tweens are not designed to be re-used and trying to do so results in an undefined behavior. Create a new Tween for each animation and every time you replay an animation from start. Keep in mind that Tweens start immediately, so only create a Tween when you want to start animating.
- Edited
DaveTheCoder Okay so your saying that I set it up like this
var tween = create_tween()
tween.tween_property($Sprite, "position", Vector2.RIGHT * 300, 1).as_relative().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SINE)
tween.tween_property($Sprite, "position", Vector2.RIGHT * 300, 1).as_relative().from_current().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_EXPO)
That's partly right. But you shouldn't call tween_property() twice for the same object and property.
DaveTheCoder Okay then give me a example of what I should do
Can you explain why you're calling tween_property() twice?
DaveTheCoder That was done so that the buttons would move position up or down
DaveTheCoder I got it to work but the animation doesn't look like the one in the video the buttons instead fall when selected
extends Control
@export var save = load("res://Data/Stages/Menu/SaveMenu.tscn")
@export var encore = load("res://Data/Stages/Menu/EncoreMenu.tscn")
@export var time = preload("res://Data/Stages/TZ/TestZonetime.tscn")
@export var options = preload("res://Data/Stages/Menu/OptionsMenus.tscn")
@export var Extras = preload("res://Data/Stages/Menu/ExtrasMenu.tscn")
# Go back to title
@export var back = preload("res://Data/Stages/Title/Title.tscn")
# Variables for button management
var buttons: Array = []
var selected_index: int = 0
var tween
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
buttons.clear() # Clear any existing values (good practice)
# Create a Tween instance
# Loop through all child nodes of the Control node
for i in range(get_child_count()):
var button = get_child(i)
# Check if the child is a TextureButton
if button is TextureButton:
buttons.append(button) # Add it to the buttons array
button.set_meta("index", buttons.size() - 1) # Store the button index as metadata
# Connect the pressed signal using a lambda to pass the button
button.pressed.connect(Callable(self, "_on_button_pressed").bind(button))
# Set the initial selection
func _input(event):
# Handle input for navigation
if event.is_action_pressed("gm_up"):
$"../../CanvasLayer/Sprite2D".frame = 0
elif event.is_action_pressed("gm_down"):
$"../../CanvasLayer/Sprite2D".frame = 0
# Handle 'gm_action' for triggering the selected button
elif event.is_action_pressed("gm_action"):
if selected_index >= 0 and selected_index < buttons.size():
buttons[selected_index].emit_signal("pressed") # Manually emit the pressed signal for the selected button
elif event.is_action_pressed("gm_action2"):
Global.main.change_scene_to_file(back, "FadeOut")
func move_selection(direction: int):
var prev_index = selected_index # Store the previous index
selected_index += direction
# Wrap around selection
if selected_index < 0:
selected_index = buttons.size() - 1 # Wrap to the last button
elif selected_index >= buttons.size():
selected_index = 0 # Wrap to the first button
# Update button visuals and start tween animation
# Stop any ongoing tweens to avoid conflicts
var selected_button = buttons[selected_index]
var previous_button = buttons[prev_index]
if selected_button != null and previous_button != null:
# Move using `rect_position` for UI elements
var selected_target_pos = selected_button.position + Vector2(0, -10)
var previous_target_pos = previous_button.position + Vector2(0, 10)
# Tween to move the selected button slightly upward and the previous button downwa
tween = get_tree().create_tween() # Create a new Tween instance
# Tween the selected button's position
tween.tween_property(selected_button, "position", selected_target_pos, 1).as_relative().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SINE).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
tween.tween_property(selected_button, "position", previous_target_pos, 1).as_relative().from_current().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_SINE).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN_OUT)
func update_button_selection():
# Update button visuals based on selection
for i in range(buttons.size()):
var button = buttons[i]
var anim = button.get_node("MainAnimator")"default")
# Check if this button is the currently selected one
if i == selected_index:
# Play the hover animation
var start = button.get_node("MainAnimator")"click")
var animation_player = button.get_node("ShadeBlink") # Adjust the path if needed"blink") # Play the hover animation
$"../../CanvasLayer/Sprite2D".frame = 4
func _on_button_pressed(button):
# Retrieve the index from the button's metadata
var index = button.get_meta("index")
# Play the press animation
var animation_player = button.get_node("MainAnimator") # Adjust the path if needed"blinkLabel") # Play the press animation
# Handle button press actions based on the index
match index:
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
await $"../../SFX/MenuAccept".finished
- Edited
I don't understand what you're trying to do with a tween. You haven't explained it clearly.
I suggest that you create a new project for learning tweens. Keep it simple. Add a sprite, and experiment with using tweens on it until you fully understand how tweens work. Use the project only for testing tweens and nothing else. Keep the project as a reference.
DaveTheCoder I am trying to make what is seen in the video where when up or down is pressed it scrolls the buttons up or down
- Edited
You want the button to move a short distance, and then move back? Then you need two tweens.
var tween: Tween
tween = create_tween()
# Move Sprite's position from (0,100) to (100,200) over 0.5 second.
tween.tween_property($Sprite, "position", Vector2(100.0, 200.0), 0.5).from(Vector2(0.0, 100.0))
# Wait for tween to finish.
await tween.finished
tween = create_tween()
# Move Sprite's position from (100,200) to (0,100) over 0.5 second.
tween.tween_property($Sprite, "position", Vector2(0.0, 100.0), 0.5).from(Vector2(100.0, 200.0))