36oboes Would anyone have any suggestions for a way to trigger text when the Sprite enters a specific Area2D? I've tried quite a few different things and none of them are working and triggering the text.
What would "text" be? You mean a label? Or something else? We need more context because there are many ways to do what you are asking.
1 - area2D is a physics object, it can only collide with another physics object. So you need an area2D or rigidbody or character on the sprite.
2 - the way everyone will suggest is signals. You go to signals and connect the signal of something entering the area2D to a script. Then in the function you check if the object that collided is the one you want. You can use groups, the has_method() function, physics layers, variables or metadata for this.
3 - then you need a reference to whatever you want to trigger in the script. You can use the $
symbol for local nodes, an export, or a path.
4 - finally you use the reference to do stuff.
Let's say you use a label:
var mylabel : Label = $Label1
func do_stuff() -> void: #call this from the function connected to the signal
mylabel.text = "text"