Hi there,

I'm new to Godot (4.3) and I'm trying to apply a png file as 2D texture to a mesh imported from a fbx file.

I inherited the original scene with the fbx mesh to modify it and selected the MeshInstance3D node. When I click on the Mesh icon and afterwards on the Material icon (under the Surface 0 section), then there is an Albedo section. But I can't modify any of its properties or any other property of the Material.

I guess I'm doing something completely wrong, but I couldn't find an understandable solution yet. Creating a separate Texture resource also didn't work, because the resource can't be assigned to the Material's Texture property.

Thanks a lot for your help in advance! 🙂

    tzpewriter I inherited the original scene with the fbx mesh to modify it

    You should not select Inherited scene, but Open anyway. Then editing will be available.

      Tomcat When I choose 'Open anyway', then I can indeed edit the properties, but then the changes won't be saved. When I close the project, all changes will be lost. How can I preserve the changes when inheriting the scene doesn't allow editing?

        tzpewriter How can I preserve the changes when inheriting the scene doesn't allow editing?

        Just Save scene as…