Hello, community! I'm reaching out to you again, as I can't find answers to my questions on the vastness of the internet... I've started developing a multiplayer game, and I'm using udp protocol to transfer data between server (host) and clients. After implementing the synchronization, I noticed that the frequency of changing the position of other players is very small. I suspect that this is due to some packets being lost during sending. I tried to make it so that clients can immediately send data about themselves to other clients, but I have not been able to implement it... So my question is: Is there any way I can affect the ping and packet loss rate in Godot 4.0.2?

Here is my project:

I hope someone can help me...

9 months later

I'm just starting to learn about networking and your problem I think everyone even companies tried methods and hacks to combat high ping and packet loss, but here I have an approach I found on reddit, they do talk about dealing with small frequency updates


Ping and packet loss are mostly out of your control. What you can try is to write your code in a way to mask it, for example with interpolation like the previous posted suggested.