• Projects
  • Hello from The Mirror: Game Development Platform & Sandbox

MikeCL stickied the discussion .

I read about The Mirror when it was first announced on the Godot Reddit, but I haven't figured out exactly what it is.

Is it a collaboration of developers that make improvements to Godot?

    Hey DaveTheCoder! The Mirror is one app to build & play games - our aim is to be the "platform" for Godot. We provide the hard parts out-of-the-box, such as multiplayer networking, AAA Jolt physics, authentication, databases, servers, and more in one single app. We also added visual scripting and will have in-world GDScript in the future. You can check out our full list of features here.

    We updated the above post to add more detail too. We'd love for you to play our Open Alpha on Itch and it'd be great to hear your feedback!

    MikeCL changed the title to Hello from The Mirror: Game Development Platform & Sandbox .

    trizZzle Roblox isn't a bad comparison 🙂 A next-gen Roblox that isn't kid-focused, with better graphics, richer experiences, and an open-core so creators can own their data

      TheMidnightWolf They want to be a dating app also

      every year the news and ads i see about that platform gets goofier. back in 2011 when i played, people got banned left and right because they were attempting the "Roblox dating roleplay" route in order to impress their pre-pubescent friends with stories of a girlfriend who goes to another school.
      that aside, to this day, the only ones i've met who play on that site without irony or a paycheck are children, and dudes i would not let near my kid if i had one.

      and all of that aside,
      themirrorgdp what made you pick The Mirror as the name? and what does gdp mean?

        packrat Yep, GDP = Game Development Platform.

        The intent behind the "Mirror" name is inspirational: it's a different, digital reality but similar. You're "looking into The Mirror", yet it's slightly changed, hence the bottom-right of our logo is slightly different than the top-left from where it's "mirrored".

        Gaming is already the prime immersive medium for online content (beyond text, images, video, etc.) because it combines everything together, all at once. Gaming is the closest comparison we have to real life, but it's still different, hence, "mirrored".

        It's not perfect but we love the analogy and hope it can inspire people to create awesome stuff 🙂

        This looks like the sorta thing I dreamed game dev would be like as a kid. programming is easily my favorite part of game dev now, but I wish I had something like this when I was younger so that I wouldn't have to go through that tutorial hell. I could learn programming logic through using the visual programming alternative and get to the "real" coding later on. glad to see that something like this exists.

          PizzaHutsAlat Thank you so much, this is a HUGE compliment; great to hear. We'd love for you to try it out and hear what you think! The suggestions made are often what we implement next.

          themirrorgdp Since you ask for feedback... After downloading the mirror and launching it I need to register an account to log in, but the web page I'm taken to has no explicit 'register account' button. Now as an experienced computer user I can guess that I can probably reach registration via the sign in button on the page but a new user who's perhaps not yet all too experienced and tech savvy might not immediately realize that. Something to consider perhaps. Ideally one should even be able to register the account from in-app I think.

          Follow-up: inputs from different devices can conflict. After creating my 'space' and entering it I couldn't properly move via WASD since I also have a flight stick connected and it's dead-zones are rather bad. Would be good to ideally have a means in the options to disable inputs from the device or map them only to some special flight mode. Also, for whatever reason one of the axis was constantly triggering the right click menu which was really annoying.

            Was the mirror project done with the customization of the godot editor or was it done like a compiled game in godot? If godot is made like a project compiled as a game, is it possible to share information about how to compile another game within the compiled game?

            Megalomaniak Thanks for the feedback; yeah we haven't properly set up multiple inputs just yet, but we'll take a look.

            Great points on smoothing the registration flow too; we'll work on those right away.

            Thank you much!

              themirrorgdp Was the mirror project done with the customization of the godot editor or was it done like a compiled game in godot? If godot is made like a project compiled as a game, is it possible to share information about how to compile another game within the compiled game?

                It appears that you made your visual scripting? Is The Mirror based on godot 4?

                5 days later

                This is the first I've heard of Mirror, I'll be sure to look more into it. Seems quite interesting! :3

                unicornlox The Mirror is a compiled game as you put it. It ships with export templates. It doesn't use any of the Godot editor code. All of the editor mechanics like the gizmos, hierarchy, and inspector are remade from scratch.

                Yes, we made our own visual scripting (or, specifically, I did). Yes, it's Godot 4. You can find docs on how to use our visual scripting here https://docs.themirror.space/docs/category/visual-scripting feel free to ask any questions.