xyz and here I was about to spoiler the image thinking it was too ugly
REVBENT are these going to be the resident life forms? or are these simply space chickens?
I thought about both, food-stock like the space chickens from space colony, or just aliens, and now that you mention it, both.
the space chickens were found on this planet and secretly raised to produce "synth-meat", which everyone though was people, but it was actually horrific alien ticks.
REVBENT I always appreciated Ocarina of Time and the element the chickens had in gameplay.
these will probably be just hostile at all times.
REVBENT Are you creating glass eggs for the chickens?????
no, that was just a tangent. I got tired from sculpting and wanted to code something. the glass shader will be used for curved transparent surfaces like windows, containment units and spacesuit helmets.
REVBENT Project looks/feels very professional, keep it up!!!!
I think sculpting is done, now I need to retopo. I've always just made a 3D model and then made a copy and added some detail. but I'm gonna have to actually retopo this time.
update: I ended up reusing the basemesh with some modifications. I will worry about skinning later.
the model is now uv-unwrapped and normal and ao baked. It's missing some albedo, I'm not sure whether to paint the high poly model or do it on the low poly.
next is skinning and then export and see what it looks like in game. animations can be made later thanks to godot's modular design.