Impressive. Are you the developer?

    d2clon Are you the developer?

    Nope. I'm interested in it because of the possibility of using it in my project.

    This module is so good, it should be integrated with the main Godot branch, seriously.

    I don't find any video explaining the setup and examples of use cases. It would be very good for a non-knowledgeable person in state machines and behavior trees like me to understand if this module is something I could use in my projects.

      d2clon It would be very good for a non-knowledgeable person in state machines and behavior trees like me to understand if this module is something I could use in my projects.

      It's not an either/or situation, they not only have their pros and cons but they can be used together. For an example, you might drive your unit AI with Behaviour trees while the units animation system would be FSM driven. The latter is what AnimationTree in godot is primarily geared towards and why many find the FSM implementation in AnimationTrees to be lacking for other purposes, since it's not particularly intended for those other things.

      Depending on what you are after you might ultimately be using Goal Oriented Action Planning, Behaviour Trees and Finite State Machines all together in your game.