Yeah I want to show a simple damage popup with a random X position every time is called, the problem is that the popup is appearing in the same position despite the change in Vector2.

  • Toxe replied to this.

    Toxe Ok, I realized that the position was not changing cause I changed the position of the popup in AnimationPlayer. I wanted to make some sort of offset effect... Is there a way to move the popup with the AnimationPlayer without overwriting the position?

    • xyz replied to this.

      KermexRPG Insert an additional dummy node into the popup scene hierarchy and use it just for positioning.

        randomize() should be called only once in the project, not every time you use one of the rand methods.

        xyz I don't want to open a new discussion so I going to ask here. I want to interpolate an alpha property of a node (to invisible to visible) using tween but I think I'm doing something wrong, it seems like a sytax error but I'm not sure...
        tween.parallel().tween_property(dmgPopup, "modulate.a", 1, 1)

        • xyz replied to this.

          KermexRPG The node path syntax uses : for delimiting property components. So it should be "modulate:a". Other than that, looks fine.