As from my understanding the sRGB color transform is applied iteratively and the Normal is more and more washed out and incorrect

i forgot to mention a very important thing: depending on the graphics API the green channel of the Normal may need to be flipped, OpenGL (Blender) vs DirectX need flipped green channel


    As per ChatGPT:

    Vulkan follows the DirectX convention for normal maps, not the OpenGL convention. In Vulkan, the green channel typically represents the X component of the normal vector, the red channel represents the Y component, and the blue channel represents the Z component, just like in DirectX.

    So, when working with normal maps in Vulkan, you should interpret the channels in the same way as you would in DirectX, rather than following the OpenGL convention. This ensures consistency in how normal maps are used across different graphics APIs.

    so the G channel needs to be flipped if you work in OpenGL (Blender)

      Megalomaniak Blender and godot are different handedness.

      papalagi As from my understanding the sRGB color transform is applied iteratively and the Normal is more and more washed out and incorrect

      These comments are certainly valid in general. And they should of course be taken into account in the workflow.

      But in this case, it is clearly visible that the normals file is obviously corrupted.

      papalagi As per ChatGPT:

      An extremely questionable source. His claims should always be double-checked. It is more reliable to use official documentation.

      a year later

      I know this was a year ago, but yesterday I was having the same problem. For me, it wasn't the normal map at all. I ended up solving it by taking off auto smooth on my blender models. After that, my normals looked perfect. Hope this helps.