I've had this recurring problem where models imported from a .glb file (models saved to file) lose reference to their materials or even to the model itself, after getting lots of these errors and warnings.
(sorry for the text screenshots, after re-opening the project the errors are gone, but the materials are still missing and those images are what I captured at the time)
Reimporting the .glb seems to "fix" some models and bring their materials back (I have the materials set as use external in the import settings), but the next time I open the project the references are gone again.
One way I've found to fix temporarily is deleting the imported mesh resource and reimport the .glb, but that makes me feel like this is a bug.
Also, the worse issue caused here is that some of my materials are losing reference to their shader, requiring me to reconfigure all the parameters even if I can get the reference back, this is a lot of work to keep repeating, so I'm trying to figure out the root cause before I waste more of my time on that. I'm not sure if the material problem is related to the .glb file import since they are external materials not part of the .glb, but they are referenced in the .glb as an external material for the meshes.
I'm reasonably sure they are both related to the invalid UID issue.
Any help in tracking down the cause would be greatly appreciated as I'm worried about how this might affect my game when I have even more assets. I really don't want to have to fix them all every time.
I did try searching the web and Github for similar issues but I only found a couple of similar ones that were either for older versions of Godot, or had no proper solutions.
I'm using Godot v4.1.1.stable.mono.official [bd6af8e0e] on Linux.
As a closing thought; I'm confused about the purpose of the invalid UID warning, as if the resource can be tracked down using it's text path instead, couldn't Godot let the user reset the UID from the correct asset?