I'm using a pixel font with a label, and I'm trying to use the Label's built-in outline. It looks normal in the editor, but when I run the game, the outline appears rounded. How can I fix this?
(Label in editor)
(Label when running)
I'm using a pixel font with a label, and I'm trying to use the Label's built-in outline. It looks normal in the editor, but when I run the game, the outline appears rounded. How can I fix this?
(Label in editor)
(Label when running)
This post is a bit old but I just ran into the same problem.
Go to Project Settings > GUI > Fonts and uncheck "Use Oversampling"
That should get rid of the rounded outline.
Todesschnitzel I was searching for this answer for a while, thank you for pointing me to the right setting!
Alfi3_E Mark @Todesschnitzel's answer as correct.
Also thank you @Todesschnitzel.