NodeCommander I'm running Linux

Which distribution and desktop environment?

I'm using Pop!_OS 20.04 with its default DE. In addition to cybereality's suggestion, I use cinnamon-menu-editor to create a desktop icon for Godot.

Or you can place it elsewhere. Personally, I use ~/bin for Godot 3 (and other apps and scripts) and ~/bin_godot4 specifically for Godot 4. I have Godot 4 set up to use self-contained mode, so it stores the application data in the same directory as the executable, and I wanted to keep that separate from other directories.

I just have the binaries in a folder in my home folder. I made a few shortcuts with the local share applications. This is better for me as I can have as many different versions as I want.

Excellent !

I didn't know that, I thought that it had to be installed.
I iust downloaded it now and starts up fine, thanks !

btw, running Linux mint 21 with XFCE

@alfredbaudisch what I did with the compositor was render the background in one pass, using the visible mask to hide characters. Then render the characters that needed an outline in another viewport with a different material with a solid color and no lighting (you can optionally run a sobel pass here). Then I used that solid color viewport as a fake stencil buffer using it as a uniform to the main fullscreen shader on the root viewport and then combined all the passes. It worked and looked good, but sadly 3 full resolution viewports rendering each frame is way too slow for Godot.

You have to right click on the Godot name on the left in your library and choose properties, betas.

They will both be there, but you have to go to that menu to switch between them.

Here is something I started working on.

Going to build the same scene in Godot 4 and Unreal 5 and compare graphics and performance.

    cybereality Going to build the same scene in Godot 4 and Unreal 5 and compare graphics and performance.

    Excellent idea! Is it going to be a static scene? The only thing missing for a full comparison is Unity.

    I don’t think anyone on the Godot team frequents the forums anymore, so I do not think the request/feedback will be seen…

    I might suggest sending the feedback to the Godot team via the contact page, likely under general inquiry. Another option that may be better (I’m not sure how the Godot team prefers to get feedback) would be to contact them via a different community channel they frequent more often, like the Godot contributors chat for example.

    I think the issue is that if they switch the main version to 4.0, it will auto-update and people in the middle of projects could get screwed.

    Serious question - if I have been programming in the last stable build of Godot, should I finish the large project I started in that version or port it to Godot 4 then complete?

    It's up to you. I would say if you're late in development and happy with the results, stay on the 3.x branch. 4.0 is better in some ways, but also slightly unfinished.

    Why would old reviews be erased? It's just a new version, not a whole new app. That would be silly for marketing purposes when you already have a highly popular and well reviewed app.

    [unknown] false advertising

    "marketing purposes"

    Bought this kitchen scene and setup a render in #GodotEngine 4.0. This is with basically all effects enabled. Had some issues with pixelation on the textures, but it's only noticeable close up. Overall I'm pretty happy with the look.