I worked on this game for quite some time and decided to uploaded it to itch.io but when I do and view the page it's just a black screen when I inspected it here are some of the errors that popped up.

  • You should not use spaces or special characters in the name. It should be something like "cant_sheep".

Did you upload all the files? When Godot exports there are about 5 files in the folder, all of them need to be there.

    Try naming all the files "index" in lowecase letters. E.g. index.html, index.wasm, index.js, etc.

    Also, it could be your ad blocker or security settings. My old VPN had issues with itch.

      I've only tested locally with HTML5. I haven't uploaded to itch yet. Maybe I will try later today and get back to you.

      Sporlings cybereality
      Still doesn't work, I turned off my adblocker and named all of the files index and it still doesn't work.

      You should just need to name the html file “index”, the other files should be left with their original names so Godot can find them.

      Looking at the screenshot, it looks like there might be more errors being output to the console. Can you scroll up a bit in the console and share the first error? Likely the first error is what is causing the other errors.

      Edit: took another look and realized there is no other errors. That’s what I get for posting before coffee 😆
      It looks like the first error is a “too many redirects” error.

        I see there is an error for one of your extensions, that may be the issue.

          I compared it to my other game that is functional on itch and it has the extension errors too so I don't think it's that.

          The error about not finding Engine usually means that the Godot Javascript file is not loaded. This could because it is named incorrectly, because the Javascript was not uploaded, or that some security setting is blocking it. But if you export all the files correctly, this should not happen.

            Can you provide more information. A screenshot of the folder with the files, a screenshot of what is in the zip file?

              Sporlings Have you uploaded another Godot game to Itch.io and had it work successfully? If so, I would check what the JavaScript file there was called and see if yours has the same.
              (I want to say it’s called index.is by default but I am not sure, so take it with a grain of salt)

              You should not use spaces or special characters in the name. It should be something like "cant_sheep".