I have a signal defined as such:

signal item_equipped(item)

But the item_equipped part is showing up as a function and when connected to another script gives an error that reads, E 0:00:00.548 connect: In Object of type 'GDScript': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal 'item_equipped' to method 'KinematicBody2D.switch_active_item'.


  • DaveTheCoder replied to this.
  • Wait I found a better way of doing this without the overly complex signaling

    Alternate ways to connect to nodes in a similar way would be helpful too!

    Carvii the item_equipped part is showing up as a function

    I don't understand what that means.

      DaveTheCoder i mean it shows up in blue like a function would, sorry i could've been more specific 😭

      I looked and it is showing up like a function in the editor, the issue is with actually connecting the signals

      Wait I found a better way of doing this without the overly complex signaling