Hello. I have a scene with a mixamo character. A very simple scene where an animation plays.
On my phone it appears correctly
But on another phone, I get this atrocity
Do you have an idea of what's causing it?
Weird glitches on Android
Try setting the compression on all the textures to Lossy (0.7 is a good amount). VRAM compressed textures don't work on all phones. I think the only thing that needs to be Lossless is the sky box.
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looks like mangled mesh normals, might also include other mangled mesh data such as UV's. Hard to tell for sure.
cybereality VRAM compressed textures don't work on all phones.
yeah, could be that too, I'd certainly try this first before going after chasing down other more complex rabbit-holes.
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- Best Answerset by stanwick52
It happened to me. Fine in Redmi 7 but with this weird apparency in a Redmi 9. I solved disabling in BOTH project setting and each mesh Software Skinning.
Although performance suffered a lot...
heavyathan this was it. Turning off software skinning in the project settings killed the performance, while turning off Transform normal in the mesh instance solved it while preserving the performance.
Megalomaniak was right about the mangled mesh normals