It's been a while that I want to improve FreeOrion combat system and had the idea of having it be a non-interactive tactical card game (like exposed here).
Due to the lukewarm reception, I decided to make a mockup of it myself.
I wanted to do that in PyQt (in order to learn PyQt) but it took me time to find a good tutorial and in the time it took, FreeOrion decided to switch to Godot.
Since making the mockup in PyQt would mean having to throw away the mockup to redo it entirely if the decision to make it part of the game would be made by the core team, making it in Godot suddenly made much more sense.
So I tried to learn Godot, and now a few months after beginning it I finally finished the first tutorial "Dodge the creeps". Which means that I understand what a Scene is, know that Nodes exist and have a vague idea of what they are, globally understand the idea of connecting things (though what and when exactly is more fuzzy), and have a vague understanding of GDScript syntax.
Watching a video about a Godot card game, I also understood that my "game mat" is actually a two-dimensional array, and that giving properties to the cards (like "held", "played", "discarded") is probably a good idea.
But that's the extent of my knowledge as of now, and I'm not sure about where to begin. The 'Dodge the creeps" tutorial made clear that there are a lot of possibilities in Godot, and didn't really teach about how to find them (only how to use the one it gave as examples).
Are there simple tutorials that I should read or watch to be able to start my mock-up more efficiently ?
Where can I find simple assets (tiles, background, spaceships, effect cards) to start making a mock-up of the mock-up ?
What are the steps that I should design before beginning, and which can I make up on the go ? I have a fairly clear idea of what I want, but not of how it translates into code.
Is there some existing simple project of which I can take the code (if its license permits it) for parts that are similar to what I want to do (putting the "game mat", putting the cards/tokens on it, playing the cards) ?