• Projects
  • Fossil Sweeper - minesweeper meets palaeontology (was Bonesweeper)

a month later

Running a bit late again, but there's some fun stuff in this month's video, including a visualisation of how fossil chunks flow through the game's various gameplay phases now that a bare bones (ho ho ho) version of the Research phase is implemented.

For those of you who haven't been able to elaborate on what you think is missing from the Dig phase, maybe some of the biome stuff at the start of the video might put you at ease.


a month later

Running very late again this month, but here's the video - this time talking about the Research phase background and some small quality-of-life tweaks. Enjoy!

2 months later

Whoops, completely forgot to share the May progress update video, so here's a double whammy with this month's. The past few weeks have been pretty slow, but after wrapping up a bunch of other commitments, I'm looking forward to getting back on track.

a month later

Whoops, forgot to post this month's video - better late than never! I've been continuing to work on museum interaction mechanics, which are getting close enough to ready that I'll be migrating that stuff to a more final implementation soon (at the moment, the museum phase is the only one that isn't extending my gameplay Phase class and is still based on a lot of temp framework I put together early in development)

2 months later

Whoops, I forgot to post August's, but here's the September video. Been continuing to work on museum stuff mostly. Added a new dig ability too ^_^

a month later

Here's the (late) October mid-month progress update for my fossil diggy-uppy game. Mostly focused on museum music UI and implementation stuff this month!

  • xyz replied to this.
    10 days later
    17 days later

    Here's the November video, with some nice thoughts from Peter on the sountrack, and some more work on museum UI
    Edit: Whoops, wrong URL πŸ˜ƒ

      2 months later

      Whoops. Forgot to post December's video. Better late than never!

      23 days later

      A little late, but here's the January video. Mostly museum interface work again, with gamepad controls nearly completely up and behaving now. This video also includes a recap of and reflections on the 2nd year of development. Enjoy!

      Since that video arrived a little late, it's now out of date. I've found time to cross a couple of items off the remaining items covered in the "looking ahead" section. Here's a quick look!

      I've re-implemented skeleton size variation (weighted for adults, but also allowing for less-common itty-bitty-saurs). This was present in my first pass on the Assembly phase, but I'd temporarily taken it out while integrating it with the rest of the game. The skeletons and poses here are still placeholder, of course ^_^

      I've also finally gotten around to implementing non-square dig sites, which a) help make digs feel a bit less "samey," and b) give a point of difference from traditional Minesweeper that's less subtle and easier to convey than stuff like the excavation mechanic, limited-use special abilities, mistakes not giving an immediate game over, etc..

      Organic-shaped Dig sites don't have as big an impact on the feel of playing as those other things, but for prospective players who haven't yet gotten interested enough to invest time in thinking through the gameplay implications, this will hopefully act as a superficial hook and increase the chances of a "Oh, maybe it is different from Minesweeper" type thought.

      18 days later

      Another Fossil Sweeper update video \o/

      This goes into detail on how I'm generating non-square dig sites, which combines multiple convex shapes to give interesting (or at least less-samey) variation.

      22 days later

      Here's another Fossil Sweeper progress update video. A short one this time, looking at a new dig gameplay option, assembly fixes, and museum editing interface work!

      I've settled on something that's close to isometric (it's not orthographic since I can't animate from a perspective camera to an orthographic one) for the museum editing interface, and I've implemented a new dig gameplay option that allows for much faster play.

      a month later

      April video time! This is a short one, but I feel like it marks a couple of significant milestones!
      The game now has all the music it needs (although just after publishing the video, I found some notes where Peter and I had discussed an additional track - whether or not that's necessary is something I'm feeling flexible on though, so we'll see!
      I've also finally put an implementation for wall and ceiling placement into test builds, and have added wall and ceiling variants for the placeholder informational display. I've also updated lights to be proper MuseumItems so that they can be moved around, added to the player's inventory, and saved/loaded.
      I'm looking forward to getting back to other aspects of the game soon - my next focus will be nailing down how I'm presenting Dig phase environments, which I'm looking forward to!

      a month later

      It’s been a super busy month with other projects (a game I was doing contract work on came out a couple of days ago \o/). I still found time to do a little more museum work though.