cybereality Concept was a modern day Eastern Europe kinda ghetto rooftops.

I used to do free-running like that in abandoned 90's early 2000's industrial environments and while we were lucky not to get hurt I'd have to advise against it now that I'm older and smarter. But maybe it would work as a game, yeah. To be fair most of the dilapidated soviet era industrial environments are cleaned up and gone now. At least in the Baltics.

    fire7side For a moment I got excited and thought you were talking about Psych. I've seen every episode of that show maybe three times now. That and ghost whisperer, which my mom banned me from watching 3 years after i started watching it telling me it would give me nightmares. I watched it anyway and got a nightmare about getting a nightmare from watching the show.
    The only things those shows really did was give me a taste for spooks and a dark sense of humor. That and jealousy of James Roday's face and hair back when it was 2006. Before now, where he looks frighteningly like my youth pastor when I was a teenager.

    Megalomaniak I stick to the wetlands at night where there's no one to complain but the homeless dudes who're also trying to avoid cops. The savannah's so wet and cold at night it gets incredibly misty. You can't see through mist that thick so as far as anybody's concerned, I'm probably just a buck. Or a coyote.

    Megalomaniak I used to do free-running like that in abandoned 90's early 2000's industrial environments and while we were lucky not to get hurt I'd have to advise against it now that I'm older and smarter.

    Yeah, I was big into skateboarding in the 90's / early 2000's. I guess it's kind of related, well more to tricking, but I think it's the same kinds of people. I would do all kinds of crazy jumps down stairs and super dangerous stuff, not sure how I didn't die or get disabled honestly. I guess when you are young you can fall down and get hit and nothing happens. I'm to the point where I can get hurt stepping to cross the street now, not so much fun.

    Darn.I feel so tired, yet I can't get any sleep. In the next 6 minutes, it's going to be 1 o'clock in the morning where I live.

      Audiobellum My favorite trick is to down coffee and do something until sleep takes you. If it doesn't work, you should see a doctor.
      My other favorite is an herbal substance that's legal in my state, but could be taboo here. It's probably fine to mention it it's medicinal, right? It was a doctor that suggested it to me in the first place, I think that counts as a prescription.
      If you want to avoid drugs in general whether it's caffeine, melatonin supplements, or federally questionable plants, try going for a walk. Walk where it's dimly lit and smell the night air. Your body should take care of the rest. Wear a coat to stay warm if that's a problem. Doing anything that raises your body temperature like running will get in the way of the production of melatonin, the sleepy (sometimes sad) brain chemical.

      Audiobellum It just gets worse with age. I was fine till I started working night shifts. Now I usually sleep 3 or 4 hours at night and take a nap or two during the day. Oh that used to be so nice getting all my sleep at once.

      Hmm... yeah. I have this weird sleep disorder or something. I can stay up for a week straight, just napping like an hour or two here and there. Then I will have to do the opposite, basically sleep for a week and wake up for a few hours to take care of stuff. Luckily I work from home and I'm my own boss, but I've lost jobs in the past because of it. Sort of why I ended up in the freelance thing. Thankfully I just woke up today, got a lot of work done I've been putting off. I do take medication for it, it was much worse before that. But I kind of got used to it even though I know it's likely not good for me.

      Does anybody at all remember Senses Fail? Do I remember whether or not I already asked? The answer to one of those is "no"

      duane There are Haskell bindings for Godot, but I'm lucky to do what I do with Gdscript. My games are hardly mission critical.

      Also Rust. About to become second Linux kernel language, though it may stretch a bit the pure functional paradigm. And I am waiting for a "how to shoot yourself in the foot with Rust" :-)

      Has anyone here dabbled with google's carbon language yet ?

      Dear NSA, we're not always of the same opinion, and I always expect second thoughts from the likes of you, but in this specific case I grudgingly agree 😬

      As soon as my OS has Rust natively in the Kernel (next major release, I believe) and most of the libraries are rusty as well or at least offer bindings, I'll switch.


      I kinda don't really like C/C++ anymore. I use it because it's typically the only (or best) choice for low-level stuff or integrating SDKs.

      Rust looks pretty nice, actually, just read some tutorials. Still will take a while for everything to be updated. Also Google is pushing Carbon as a C++ replacement.

      And C# is nice as a language, I just don't like the disconnect between using managed and unmanaged code. But I think it's fair to say C/C++ is on the way out.

      Does anyone know of any free software that can increase the resolutions of videos?

        I don't know of any specific software to upscale or upsample videos, but there surely are several converters or so out there. Would have to search for your OS.

        Without checking, I'd say FFMPEG can do everything. Everything ? Everything. But has a learning curve.


          nevermind he uses a feature in the paid version. Kinda akward since they already have a resolution limit on the free version limiting you to 4K exports. Bah.

          edit 2: I did recall correct, the feature used to be in the free version without watermark before they added the AI enhancer to it. Download version 15 non studio flavor(thats the free one) from here leftmost column scroll down: