Oh what have I done.
And I thought a long expected rocket launch was a harmless thing to post ...
Oh what have I done.
And I thought a long expected rocket launch was a harmless thing to post ...
Here's the thing I realized: it's the same day, every day, forever (into the past and into the future). Only the names and the faces change.
Yes, we have more technology, which brings comfort and entertainment, but also is necessary, as life becomes more complex and demanding (so it sort of evens out).
So I stopped worrying because not only does nothing ever change, but you can't change it. So just buckle up and enjoy the ride.
I've updated my stereo 3D shader. This image can be viewed with red/cyan anaglyph 3D glasses (Proview or Anachrome are best).
The 3D is created with a post-process fullscreen shader. It uses color + depth and runs in under 1ms on Godot 3.5.1.
I also used a new anaglyph color filter that is optimized for modern LCD monitors.
Check it out if you have 3D glasses laying around (or PM me, I can send you some for free).
You will never have to worry about me pretending to be a politician. I'm deathly allergic to them.
I like to save my genius for more important things, like finding new ways to be cute, sensitive, funny, tall, dark and handsome.
I'm still working on the tall part.
cybereality I'd want a pair. They're good party wear, and I need to see what you did there.
THREE rhymes. ONE reply. Didn't even try. My words just fly.
These are the cheapest ones that will work, I have a box of like 200, you can PM me if you want me to mail them.
You can also buy them here for $2:
The best ones are Proview, which are $7:
Those things always give me a headache. I would almost pay 7 dollars in the hopes it was better, plus I think it might be better on a computer screen compared to in a theater.
A reminder: Let’s avoid talking politics. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: the Godot developer forums are NOT the place for it.
Frankly, I’m tempted to lock this thread, it always goes awry. While yes, there are some aspects of politics to everything, there are plenty of topics that are not obviously and pointedly political to talk about. Again, we are a game development forum.
Now I have to figure out how to remove all the political posts without breaking everything…
DaveTheCoder If that post is still here in a couple of hours, I won't be able to resist the temptation to post a rebuttal.
That is NOT the way to deal with it and will result in moderation action. Instead, use the flagging feature to inform staff.
TwistedTwigleg Instead, use the flagging feature to inform staff.
TwistedTwigleg Frankly, I’m tempted to lock this thread, it always goes awry.
Sorry for causing trouble. I think that your impulse is the right one, assuming you want to stick to game topics. This thread is obviously causing problems that separate threads would make significantly easier to deal with. Plus, anything useful that's posted here is going to be hard to reference. I support locking it, and I'll try to avoid the temptation to post here in future anyway.
duane No worries - it happens. It is just that when we have such an open topic like this, it tends to go askew quickly and venture into topics that are not really suited for the forums.
I think we do not have to strictly adhere to only game topics all the time, but on the other hand, we are a game development forum and not a general one, and as such, I feel it is best to keep topics focused on that. There are plenty of open social platforms and forums to have more general discussions.
As you mentioned though, this thread has been problematic and I didn't even think of the referencing aspect. Additionally, I also think as this post gets bigger and bigger, the harder (and more intimidating) it is for those who are trying to read along. There are lots of things I've only glanced through here due to there just being so many posts.
With that in mind, I am going to lock this thread.
For those wishing to continue discussions that were posted here, please make new threads. However, please keep in mind that we are the Godot game development forums and all forum rules (especially rule 6) should be adhered in all posts. If you are unsure if a topic is suitable for the Godot game development forums, it probably isn't because it is not clear cut. However, if you want to be extra sure, then please reach out to forum staff private via private message to ask.