You can live off of nothing but ramen noodles. Actually, you can get udon from the supermarket, this one cost like $5 and it tastes like the real thing.

Kind of expensive if you're on a budget, but the normal ramen you can get for cheap in the 6 pack.

    cybereality Ramen noodles aren't too bad, but those sauce packs don't taste the best. I just bought a pack a while back to decide if I should take it camping, but changed my mind. Lot better off with whole grains like whole wheat flour, brown rice, and oatmeal, if you add beans you get a fairly balanced meal high enough in protein so you don't feel like you are starving.

    You have to get the Korean ones. They are way better quality.

    Kojack Probably good but it's like 400 calories. If you are 6 ft you need about 2000 a day minimum. I make about a cup and 1/4 of dry brown rice with a nice sized piece of chicken and about a cup of stir fry veggies. That would be like an entree.

    Coincidentally, looking in my pantry:

    It is a bad idea to eat pizza left over in a toaster oven from a fuzzily remembered night. My stomach is uncomfortable.

    That just means that your body is absorbing the nutrients.

    I have a question at last related to game development. It's related, I promise.
    What's your favorite fur pattern? Maybe not even fur, any color pattern you can find on an animal. I'm out of ideas and all I got is calico spots, tiger stripes, and different shapes of that tuxedo belly pattern.

      @Megalomaniak It is disgusting.

      @cybereality There's a pitch black one in the cat colony in the road where I live momentarily, with bright orange eyes.

      So that's my suggestion to @packrat :-)

      Could also be a sky dome from a mouse pov ...

      Megalomaniak I'm not sure I want to live on this planet any more...

      It's a troll. That's how Palmer rolls.

      Megalomaniak I'm not sure I want to live on this planet any more...

      Well, put the headset on and you won't be living on this planet any more. 🙂

      Megalomaniak I like a bit of virtual blood sport, but biggie tech is piss scared of making the slightest microaggression to anything that breathes, unless they can get money from you. This thing is beyond a microaggression and you can't sap money from someone who's dead unless you're in tax or cremation services, or the body trade. Unless I'm wrong and they've subsidized the death business too.