I have several workaholic friends, and I want to pass on things I learned for not getting lazy.
a. post it notes all over the walls to remind you what you're trying to get done that day
b. work out several times a day in short but extreme bursts. anaerobic exercise is great if you're trying to be less of a runt too. aerobic could work too but it doesnt get blood flowing as quickly for me, and i wind up burning more calories than i can eat. I get tired.
c. jam all of your work into one room if possible
d. jam all of your living in the same room as well, but seperate it from the work using clever interior decorating
I am on my way out the door to buy a used toaster oven and ingredients for protein cookies and granola so I no longer have to leave work in order to cook 3 or 4 times a day. The coffee man this morning didn't hear me say decaf, you can blame him for the amount of blog posting I'm doing today. That said, I am no longer drinking decaf now that I've felt what the full power of bean can do.
e. never forget to take breaks. this is my break and break time is over
this isn't good living advice, but in the short term it makes up for a ton of lost time.