packrat I promise your question here will be drowned by the noise and forgotten. in this topic.

    Megalomaniak Thanks for that. I quite literally failed "speech class" in elementary school where they train the socially inept. I'm the first and only one to do that as far as I know and I'm very proud of it.

    I'm lonely again. Do you like to give variables fun names or are you a "good programmer"? Personally, nearly every variable is a rock reference of some sort, usually American. Such as a Sprite3D shader that includes a sampler2D for texturing and a sampler2D for alpha, called the_colour and the_shape. Good album.

      For my own part, I try to be as good as reasonably possible, and give things names as telling as possible. That is because I am dumb and after looking at stuff after a year so I don't wont to be reminded of that by having to curse the derp who wrote that :-)

      Example (C++, but really doesn't matter):

      class quadtree {
      	// TODO Use the heightmap manager.
      	quadtree( const simple_heightmap *const hm );
      	virtual ~quadtree();
      	// Create the tree from settings raster size.
      	bool create();
      	void cleanup();
      	inline const node *get_all_nodes() const { return m_all_nodes; };
      	inline unsigned int get_node_count() const { return m_node_count; };
      	void lod_select( lod_selection *selectlion ) const;
      	unsigned int m_top_node_size{0};
      	unsigned int m_top_node_count_x{0};
      	unsigned int m_top_node_count_z{0};
      	unsigned int m_node_count{0};
      	node *m_all_nodes{nullptr};
      	node ***m_top_level_nodes{nullptr};
      	// TODO this will be handled by the heightmap manager.
      	const simple_heightmap *const m_heightmap{nullptr};
      	void debug_output_nodes() const;

      There is a chapter in the Godot documentation with guidelines and conventions for naming. Though I clenched my fists when it came to mixing snake_ and CamelCase, imo it is really wise to consequently follow some rules.

      Makes life so much more worth living :-)

        Pixophir Makes sense to me. Fortunately I'm the only one reading my scripts. I'm like a child, I need names that make me laugh while being as intuitive as possible. If I don't, I get distracted and end up doing something else. 5 hours later and I'm baking muffins and can't remember what I was trying to get done that day.

          packrat Glad I don't have to read your code. I hate it when people don't give their variables meaningful names.

            So, my Kindle fire tablet finally died. I think I had it about 5 years but I could be mistaken. Got the new one for 75 dollars on sale. Cheaper than I bought the earlier version. I was sweating it because you have to load about 4 files on it to use google play. At first they kept asking me for my credit card number when I clicked on download, but turns out it was some ad company and the actual download was lower on the page.

            fire7side You don't want to know how unorthodox my entire project and workflow is. I work solo for many reasons. One of top 5 being I don't want to wind up guilty for the death of another man as they figure out what's going on. Do you know how expensive manslaughter is? I don't have that kind of money.

            I have several workaholic friends, and I want to pass on things I learned for not getting lazy.
            a. post it notes all over the walls to remind you what you're trying to get done that day
            b. work out several times a day in short but extreme bursts. anaerobic exercise is great if you're trying to be less of a runt too. aerobic could work too but it doesnt get blood flowing as quickly for me, and i wind up burning more calories than i can eat. I get tired.
            c. jam all of your work into one room if possible
            d. jam all of your living in the same room as well, but seperate it from the work using clever interior decorating

            I am on my way out the door to buy a used toaster oven and ingredients for protein cookies and granola so I no longer have to leave work in order to cook 3 or 4 times a day. The coffee man this morning didn't hear me say decaf, you can blame him for the amount of blog posting I'm doing today. That said, I am no longer drinking decaf now that I've felt what the full power of bean can do.

            e. never forget to take breaks. this is my break and break time is over

            this isn't good living advice, but in the short term it makes up for a ton of lost time.

              packrat Post it notes don't work for me because I ignore them. I break things down to the order of importance. If I don't pay the electric, my lights go out and I can't fool around with the computer so I use automatic payment for that. Have so few dishes that you have to wash them to eat your next meal. Pick one house project and try to do anything on it no matter how small every day, or close to every day till it's finished. Then pick the next most important. Cultivate important habits like brushing your teeth at a certain time every day. Eliminate friends that keep calling you a slob and trying to show you how it should be done.

              I went to the thrift store, found a toaster oven and tested the thing at the store. Definitely worked. I brought it home, and my brother broke it within 10 minutes thinking LEDs were buttons and it just needed to be pressed harder.
              At least that's what I think happened. Toast setting still works but nothing else does, which is a weird reaction to jamming the LED until it makes a funny sound.

              Maybe it broke something connected to the low power coils at the bottom. If anyone has advice for poking inside a toaster oven without breaking what's left, I'm listening.
              If anyone has advice to make $30 for food last a month, I'm also listening.

                It's not broke. I unplugged my entire room and it now works fine. Is there an electrician who can explain?

                  At the end of this toaster oven trilogy, it all works fine now even with everything else plugged in. My only guess is the light misty rain that fell on it when I brought it home did something wacky to it.
                  I'm not leaving that thing plugged in when I'm sleeping, and I'm buying a fire extinguisher.
                  If anyone has advice on obtaining a low watt toaster oven, I'm listening.

                  packrat Maybe it broke something connected to the low power coils at the bottom. If anyone has advice for poking inside a toaster oven without breaking what's left, I'm listening.

                  I wouldn't be too concerned about breaking it further, but I would be concerned about getting electrocuted by the transformer or some capacitors in there so unless you know how to be safe, I wouldn't poke it.

                  packrat It's not broke. I unplugged my entire room and it now works fine. Is there an electrician who can explain?

                  Might have had some charge in it that was dissipated after unplugging.

                  packrat It's easy to live on 30 dollars for a month, just go to walmart and buy 5 lbs of brown rice, 8 lbs of beans. A quart of tomato sauce. 5 lb bag of flour with baking powder and oil. A box of macoroni noodles. 5 lbs of potatoes. A bag of carrots. A large tube of old fashioned oatmeal, might need 2. That's probably more than 30 dollars. Make stew with the potatoes, carrots and sauce. Cook beans ahead and keep them in the refrigerator. Basically, you use beans for meat, I eat pinto because they kind of taste like meat. If it's more than thirty eliminate some of it like maybe carrots and noodles. You can just basically eat biscuits, beans and oatmeal, but it would get pretty old.

                  Not an electrician, but maybe the toaster's wiring is faulty. Has it a metal casing ? Watch the fuses, especially the RCD if it triggers, e.g. when you touch the switched on toaster.

                  And tell your brother that if a switch doesn't work, it just doesn't work. Trying to make it work will break it.

                  Uh, do you have access to a garden ? I could share a few recipes for green stuff :-)

                  You can live off of nothing but ramen noodles. Actually, you can get udon from the supermarket, this one cost like $5 and it tastes like the real thing.

                  Kind of expensive if you're on a budget, but the normal ramen you can get for cheap in the 6 pack.