• 3D
  • Collada (.dae) import not working with animations

Hi, I'm trying to import an animated model from Blender, but my meshes are not being displayed while they're child of armature, they only appears if I put they as chid of spatial. What can I try to do?

I already tried to scale, to check if it's not only becoming really small, and to use Better Collada Exporter, without success. Here's the model if anyone want to test: https://a.uguu.se/e3L5nX3e3pbo.dae


What are your export and import settings like?

In case it might help you can see what Jayanam uses in the following video:

I was following that exactly video of Jayanam! I don't know, maybe I'm missing something. I'll try to do it from beggining again. Thanks @Megalomaniak

I was doing an unnecessary step. I'm using mixamo to generate animations, but instead of download the collada from mixamo, I downloaded the fbx and was trying to convert it to collada... So, I just downloaded mixamo collada (.dae) and it worked perfectly.