
  • Feb 2, 2019
  • Joined Jan 29, 2019
  • 0 best answers
  • Hi everybody,

    I'm Allyson, I'm graduated in game development but I current run a web dev company in Brazil, working mostly with WordPress. I also teached game dev classes in a technical course, and followed Godot since it became open source, but I'm really getting into the studies just now. Never felt happy with Unity, enjoyed more to code some games (or just some experiments) in Vanilla JavaScript, but found in Godot what I was expecting: good user experiencie, the sense of community and the fun to code. I hope I can learn faster and be the guy who replies more than asks here soon :D

  • Hi, I have a mesh with multiple materials, imported from collada generate from Mixamo. It seems ok in the mesh inspector, I have the four material slots for my characters body, but it's not working. How can I debug and investigate what's causing that?

    Character in Mixamo - Body with 4 materials

    Character in Godot - 4 material slots, but not been applied


  • I guess it's something too specific, you can start to think about the mechanics about you expect in your stickman fighting game and then try to search for tutorials for each feature. Searching for "Godot Fighting Game Tutorial" I just found this timelapse of a simple fighting mechanics 2D:

  • I was doing an unnecessary step. I'm using mixamo to generate animations, but instead of download the collada from mixamo, I downloaded the fbx and was trying to convert it to collada... So, I just downloaded mixamo collada (.dae) and it worked perfectly.

  • I was following that exactly video of Jayanam! I don't know, maybe I'm missing something. I'll try to do it from beggining again. Thanks @Megalomaniak

  • Hi, I'm trying to import an animated model from Blender, but my meshes are not being displayed while they're child of armature, they only appears if I put they as chid of spatial. What can I try to do?

    I already tried to scale, to check if it's not only becoming really small, and to use Better Collada Exporter, without success. Here's the model if anyone want to test:
