Hey everyone! Guess I'll introduce myself as well. Long time 3D modeling/animation/gamedev hobbyist. Lots and lots of half finished projects. Dabbled in Irrlicht, Torque years ago. Made a run at really trying something in 3D Gamestudio. Then bounced between typical Unity and Unreal, and briefly Lumberyard.

I'm a big Blender fan of course. Been using it since about 2007. The whole free/open model is what really brought me to Godot and away from Unity. So far I've been really impressed.

I hope to actually finish a 3D game. Mostly fantasy, maybe steam-punk'ish. I'm a father of three (6, 14, 16 years old), so while I'm not necessarily looking to make a kids game, I do want to keep it kid friendly.

Otherwise I'm a SQL Database admin. I also write/record and play my own music and have for about 30 years. Have my own home recording studio with some decent gear :smiley:

Great to see the community growing! Glad to be a part of it!


(I'm going to update/fix all of the formatting issues on this thread. I'll update/remove this comment when it's all done. Just putting this here so everyone knows what's going on :smile: )

(Edit: all done! If there's any issues, let me know and I'll do my best to fix them)

Following text was taken from my GameJolt profile( https://gamejolt.com/@GarromOrcShaman)


I was born at 1998 in Czech Republic. Sadly at the age of 5, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome what explaining my poor social abilities. People like me are marked as "retards" and no one IT school wants accept me. I wanted to show them how terribly they were wrong in me, not only in me but in other people like myself. At the age of 12, I started working with a tool called Game Maker, and at the age of 15 I started to learn the C # programming language. When I was 16, I finished my first game that I could not publish due to the copyright of the music used in the game. In autumn 2017, I finished the first public game named War City. I was working in GameMaker Studio for one year, then, i started to use Unity3D for 3 years. After i get extremely pissed off by one of Unity Team developer who told me how "much" they actually care about users( Actually they don't care about others, only about themselves and their wallets... just like Micro$oft) i decided to use GoDot engine.


Mealchonic introver with a high level of intelligence but very weak social capabilities. I always liked anime and manga, I also like nightcore. I do not care what other people think about me and I will always do what I like, regardless of the opinion of others. I love old games, especially games for GameBoyAdvanced or PlayStation1 also I like games from the late DOS era and the early Windows era. These old games have something that is missing in the new games, something indescribable, something like.... soul.

6 days later

@GarromOrcShaman said: Sadly at the age of 5, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome what explaining my poor social abilities.

Good for you @GarromOrcShaman. My oldest son is 16 and was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 4. He's definitely had social struggles as well. I've tried to get him into programming/game dev too. He likes it, but also loves music and spends most of his time playing clarinet in the high school band.

Stick with this! I'm sure you'll be great at it!


I am a student in Digital Painting, Texturing, and 3D Modeling. I am coming from unity3D and into Godot. I have done some game development but decided to turn towards artwork instead of games. Still have a desire for creating games I decided to look for opensource 3d game engine. I have seen Godot in the past but it was so minimum that it was unusable. Taking a look at godot recently many years later, godot looks like it now has all the basics. Still new to godot, but hopefully godot will fullfill my desires.

@emo10001 said:

@GarromOrcShaman said: Sadly at the age of 5, I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome what explaining my poor social abilities.

Good for you @GarromOrcShaman. My oldest son is 16 and was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 4. He's definitely had social struggles as well. I've tried to get him into programming/game dev too. He likes it, but also loves music and spends most of his time playing clarinet in the high school band.

Stick with this! I'm sure you'll be great at it!


That is pretty common with aspergers. We usually have wide variety of interests including one main interest. My main interest is game developing but i also like : 3D graphis, 2D graphics, photoediting, videoediting, Voxel art, Pixel art, creating and editing sound effects and chiptune music, physics, mechanics, electronics, electro-mechanics, astronomy, nuclear physics, chemistry. That is for science/computers but i also like science fiction, steampunk, cyberpunk and medieval fantasy(preferably RPG). I also always liked magic in any form. Also be local smartass won't win me any friends but with my mealchonic-introvert character, friends are something i really don't need.

@newmodels said: I am a student in Digital Painting, Texturing, and 3D Modeling. I am coming from unity3D and into Godot. I have done some game development but decided to turn towards artwork instead of games. Still have a desire for creating games I decided to look for opensource 3d game engine. I have seen Godot in the past but it was so minimum that it was unusable. Taking a look at godot recently many years later, godot looks like it now has all the basics. Still new to godot, but hopefully godot will fullfill my desires.

Oh, Hi colleague ! Is nice to know that someone moving from Unity too. Do you too get bored of how Unity keeps messing with users ? Don't worry about getting adapted to GDscript, I'm doing it activity for 5 days and know basics already.

Hi, Where I can start... Was the late 1983 when I start to repair motherboards,ups,disk drivers, printers, monitors... and so on.. My first language: exadecimal/assembly My last: scala/go My first OS: CP/M My last: Qubes in the middle lots of languages and os In game side: blender, unity, godot.

I like to play games and to make them too. Alas I'm not very good in artistic side......

ps.: I'm scrum master ;)

Have fun.

@GarromOrcShaman said:

Oh, Hi colleague ! Is nice to know that someone moving from Unity too. Do you too get bored of how Unity keeps messing with users ? Don't worry about getting adapted to GDscript, I'm doing it activity for 5 days and know basics already.

Unity3D has the worst networking. To get what I need done I have to use the low level, it's horrible, but can be done. Unity3D requires a subscription instead of a fee, this method turns me away from all software. Unity3D will not allow you to have source code unless you can pay them millions. I have a special hack in mind and need source code.

Godot has the basics of a game engine, and the basics is all I needed from one. I get source code, and no subscription eating my assets.

The subscription based licensing is the reason I turned away from Maya and Max. Blender was a smart move. So was linux. Bill Gates scares me because of what he wants to force the people to do.


I'm SeaFishelle! After seven long, stupid years of working with BGE, I decided to make the move up to Godot. What attracts me to Godot is its bridge factor; BGE is like a tricycle, while other engines are like full-on automobiles. I'm finding it really difficult to jump into programs like Unity, because it's so wildly different and complicated compared to what I know. Godot is like a go-kart; elements of both that offer me the familiarity of Blender while letting me slowly get comfortable with the conventions of the rest of the industry.

Anyway, as stated above, I was a BGE user for a long time. Never released a game, but got started on a lot of them. And over time, I learned to make some really cool stuff. And hopefully, I can learn how to re-apply that stuff in Godot.

Hi everyone !

The thing is that I'm really more of a modder than actual game developer. I lack proper education but I can learn anything I need. I don't mind coding, I don't mind drawing and I don't mind learning anything. But I can't code engine from scratch - I need working framework with at least some sort of SDK. I would have started to use Unreal engine but by that time they had abandoned v3 and moved on to v4. Problem was, I didn't have powerful enough machine to run that (U4). I could run U3 but all the documentation was already messed up. It was difficult to find working old tutorials because most people was already posting for U4. Then I moved on to Unity - it was simple, it had user base, it had loads of tutorials, free assets etc. Only problem was that many things were incompatible for the free version. I ended up with broken project before I quit.

Anyway, last year I looked around the internet again if there was any new game engine + SDK I could actually work with. It turned out that there was. Everything I managed to find out about Godot was really promising. That was autumn last year. Then I found out that there was going to be new version of Godot coming out with big changes so I stopped. What's the point learning something (gdscript) that is going to be changed soon, right? So I looked at tutorials while I was waiting for stable version. OK, so today I finally thought that I can start working on it, it turns out that I can't run the new version.

I don't know if I should just forget Godot and start looking into Torque (they seem to have moved to permissive open source as well) or is there some chance that some future Godot version isn't going to require Open GL v3.3 because my integrated Intel Graphics isn't supporting it? I'm into indie 2D so I don't need any fancy 3D graphics.

I write here because I can't seem to start a new topic yet and since it's my first post - mind as well introduce myself. :)

Godot 3.1 is going to be GLES 2 compatible again like godot 2 was, and in the meanwhile you can still start learning using godot 2, sure there are some differences, but it's not that radically different.

@Gonoob I do wonder what your system/GPU is though, might be that a cheap used GPU might make for a pretty substantial upgrade for you if your current one doesn't even support 3.3.

@Megalomaniak said: Godot 3.1 is going to be GLES 2 compatible again like godot 2 was, and in the meanwhile you can still start learning using godot 2, sure there are some differences, but it's not that radically different.

@Gonoob I do wonder what your system/GPU is though, might be that a cheap used GPU might make for a pretty substantial upgrade for you if your current one doesn't even support 3.3.

I got some 10y old laptop (donated). No way to upgrade that yet any time soon. At least it supports shader v2 not like my previous one that only supported 1.1. :) Thanks for your response, I can continue working on GDD and assets meanwhile then without worrying too much. Cheers!

Hello there!

I am just a guy trying to have fun and get some extra experience with programming and art, as I wish to get better. And having your thing work... such a thrill!

By the way, Godot feels great to use, with how light it is plus nodes structure. I would prefer to be able to change the keyboard mapping for moving around, would help when I want to work on the laptop without a middle mouse button, and maybe using a gamepad would make 3d movement easier? Maybe somenthing to try my hand at, later on.

Hello there! I started using godot a while ago (version 2.1) just for experiments. Then, together with a friend, we ported a game initially made with HaxeFlixel (great engine, poor gamepad support, lack of updates for a while) to godot. It helped a lot (both to visualize better the scenes and to make progress faster). I also use FB fanpage to ask for help, but this endpoint looks a lot more organized :D

15 days later

Hello to all, I'm a digital artist, "creative coder" and a teacher usually working with openframeworks.cc and blender to create interactive installations and generative visuals. I've worked on a in-house game engine for 2 years, mixing Ogre3D, bullet and puredata.info, called the polymorph engine. The purpose of this engine was to provide a flexible tool to produce online and on-stage experiment with game technologies. The code of this project is available on polymorph.cool. I've stopped the development 3 month ago to switch to godot, because engine was becoming mature and also due to the enthusiasm of the community. I'm mainly interested in custom developments, shader "hacking" and other kind of weird stuff you can do with a bunch of C++ files and a lot of hours of work. I've participated in the gdosc module (https://github.com/djiamnot/gdosc) to discover development with godot. I go online under the pseudo of frankiezafe.

a month later

Hi, I'm Jay. I work as a Systems Analyst for a large metro IT department and I've been doing game dev off and on since the mid-80s (Apple II & IIgs) and mobile stuff since about 2011 when I discovered Corona SDK. The last few years also did some stuff in Unity. I mostly just do casual/smaller games, many as examples for tutorial videos (MasteringCoronaSDK.com and MasteringUnity2D.com). I'm interested almost exclusively in doing 2D stuff.

I'm not sure where Godot is going to fit in with me, yet. It's kind of in the place where I wanted Corona to end up -- some visual dev aspects, but not so overwhelming as Unity (sledgehammer to swat a fly; for 2D, anyway). I only wish Lua had worked out for Godot, because it's the perfect language. ;)

Still working my way through the docs and examples, but I'm looking forward to actually creating something with Godot.

Welcome to the boards @J_A_Whye ! Glad you're checking out Godot! When you get something going, we'd love it see it in the Projects section (wip, poc and/or full fledged projects).
