Hi. I'm Steve. Been in computers since punch cards (IBM 370/115 running DOS/VSE). I live in Kentucky just across the river from Cincy. I'm learning Godot because I was halfway through Unity's track for learning Unity and then they decided to become, uh, unhinged. Why was I learning Unity? Because my grandson in second grade, and is a very talented artist, decided he wanted to make computer games. Tried to narrow it down. Do you want to make the graphics? (Crazy artistic.) Design? Storyline? Programming? His response was, "Yes." Ok.
"So," I asked, "What brought this on?" "I want to make games with Unity." Brain stopped working for a millisecond, then... "How in the H*££ do you know about Unity?" "Oh, my classmate writes games in Unity."
So, I bought him a year of Tynker and turned him loose. Started learning Unity so I could help him. I'm now anti-Unity and decided to give Godot a whirl.