
  • 5 days ago
  • Joined Oct 21, 2024
  • 1 best answer
  • OK I fixed it!

    While Copilot told me to look in the Project settings, the setting I was looking for was actually under Editor Settings.

    For anyone having the same Problem:
    Editor->EditorSettings->Docks->FileSystem->TextFile Extensions and just add your extension and it shows up in the editor

  • Currently I have a .config file in my Projects folder, but it doesnt show. Ive asked Copilot and it says that i can add supported file types in the Project settings in the FileSystem tab, but there is no such option...

    I hope you can help me with my Problem

    • OK I fixed it!

      While Copilot told me to look in the Project settings, the setting I was looking for was actually under Editor Settings.

      For anyone having the same Problem:
      Editor->EditorSettings->Docks->FileSystem->TextFile Extensions and just add your extension and it shows up in the editor

  • Hey i currently migrate my Project from Godot 3.6 to 4.3 and noticed that Rigidbodys behave different in 4 than in 3, namely when spawned inside another collidable object.
    I have a StaticBody with a collider , and a rigidbody with a collider. Now when i spawned the rigidbody slightly inside the StaticBody it would shoot out and i’d see that i miscalculated. But now in 4 the rigidbody just stays where it is and i have to hope i placed it right.

    I would like the behaviour from Godot 3 back, but dont know if thats possible since the physicsengine changed a lot...
    Or maybe im just doing something wrong

  • Hey im trying to make some sort of elevator, i have a kinematic body as my elevator, that is getting moved up via move_and_slide
    But any rigidbodys on top of it dont move smoothly with it, but rather bounce upwards often...

    is there anyway i can work around this or does the 3d physics engine not handle pushing well

  • Yeah no i get that but even setting the datatype for the array is impossible for me...
    The 3.6 wiki reads that i can have a (for example) int array like this: var array: Array(int) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    I am on version 3.6 and this exact notation copied from the wiki, results in the error "Expected end of statement ("var"), got '[' instead"
    Mind you im extending from the Spatial class and the array currently is outside any function

    • xyz replied to this.
    • Hey, I have an Array declared with:
      var liste = []
      this gets filled with some RigidBodys by the _ready() function. I also have an index of type int.

      Ideally I would now want to be able to say
      liste[index].linear_velocity = 1

      But it doesnt let me, it doesnt even show what options i have after liste[index]

      Am i doing something wrong here?

      • xyz replied to this.
      • I have a Root Node that Contains a C# Script, now i want to reference the TeileBibliothek GDScript of its immediate Child, to read the data from it... is there a way to do it or am i screwed?

        • xyz replied to this.
        • Hey I’m currently making a WebApp with Godot and HTML5. To troubleshoot stuff i rely on using F5 to reload the page or F12 to open the browser console. It works fine on any other website but as soon as i play my project in the browser, or build it and play the build html I cant use F12 to open the Console for example anymore(i have to open it by going into the settings menu and opening it manually by pressing developer console)... (also just found out there is another shortcut für opening the console: ctrl + shift + I, but this also doesnt work in a Godot webapp) is there something that i need to set in Godot, or do godot webapps just take total control of the browser