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  • Joined Aug 24, 2023
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    Tomcat An external keyboard is definitely needed. I've used a stylus instead of a mouse — tolerable.

    Block Coding - high-level, block-based visual programming

    In the Android Rocket-Dev Chat there was already discussion about integrating this plugin on Android.
    It's unlikely that this will actually happen, as there aren't enough volunteer developers who care about Android.
    It was also recently presented at GodotCon.

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      REVBENT That is very impressive to see it rendering so many sprites.... i assume moving around lol. Looks as though it could easily be used to stage levels in 2D for larger projects.

      In Godot 4.3, the Compatibility Renderer (OpenGL ES) on MacOs renderer achieves higher values ​​than with Vulkan (Forward+ or Mobile). I think Vulkan Renderer was primarily optimized for 3D.

      on MacOS M1 with Compatibility up to 18500, some days ago was Mobile-Renderer only 13500.

      A modern power gaming computer should be able to do more; there are also other engines/frameworkds that are primarily optimized for 2D: reddit

    • REVBENT i have heard good things about the "s" tablets from people who have them. I would be curious what the fps of a project on DESKTOP vs S7 would be.... simple RigidBody2D(s) falling test etc. i know my old laptop vs desktop there is a huge difference in how everything feels in the same project.

      Compatibility Renderer (OpenGL ES)

      on Nexus 7 (Adreno 320) --> 800 - 1150 bunnies. (Full HD resolution)
      on Samsung Tab (Adreno 650) --> 13000 - 13500 bunnies. (2k resolution)

      It's difficult to compare it with a desktop because they use significantly more power. But it is comparable to a MacMini that only requires 15W at full load. The Samsung S7 tablet is perhaps better because it achieves just as high benchmark values ​​with the higher resolution.

      vs Mac Mini M1 (Full HD resolution)

      EDIT: At that time I carried out the tests with 45 fps on the tablets because there is a maximum FPS of 60 on older devices. Then the Mac Mini achieves more benchmark points, but at a lower resolution.

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      Ok on my 12" Samsung S7 tablet. The problem is mostly with the virtual keyboard. If a physical keyboard and mouse are connected via Bluetooth, it's almost like a normal desktop PC.

      I know from the community that there are actually people who even use it on a 5" smartphone. They don't have a normal PC, which makes troubleshooting difficult.

      DaveTheCoder My theory is that someone ported Godot to Android because he liked the challenge, not because the result would be useful.

      someone = Fredia Huya-Kouadio:
      and everyone else who contributed something to Android here: Android Pull Requests