Just learned something pretty cool about the FileSystem in Godot 4. If you right click on a file in the file system.... in the menu that pops up... you can select "Set Folder Color"... and from there select a highlight color for the file(s).

This really cleans up the files in the folders and seems to help your work flow in the process. I personally "CTRL+drag" a lot of files in from the docker.... and this has helped me select the proper file more than once now.

Figured someone else may appreciate this TID-BIT.

    REVBENT brugh its been there ever since i started using godot4 😃 but yes, its very nice.

      yeah i am late to the party! i read it was new with Godot 4... but until finding that nugget (i already forget where i saw that lol)... i had no idea it existed.

      i wanted to spread the new found joy i have.... in case someone else was as uneducated as me.

      I would really like if the files would carry the color over into the inspector/scene tree.