I used Godot 4.3 for a few weeks (https://godotforums.org/d/41698-game-window-not-starting-even-with-rendering-driver-opengl3 ) and suddenly yesterday when trying to launch it I get only a blank screen, with no way (that I can think of) to get the editor to work.

For a reason unknown, it seems that it's trying to load a pong.tscn file from a 3.x tutorial for VDScript that I tried a few years ago.
I have no idea why it tries to do that.

What's happening ?

Is there a solution ?

  • Actually I hadn't noticed that I was launching Godot in the console from a folder which had this pong.tscn in it.
    Problem solved for me then (I launch Godot from a folder which doesn't have any .tscn in it).

    It's still a bit problematic to have this behavior in Godot, rather than an error message like "Godot can't find the necessary resources, do you want to go back to the main menu ?".

Actually I hadn't noticed that I was launching Godot in the console from a folder which had this pong.tscn in it.
Problem solved for me then (I launch Godot from a folder which doesn't have any .tscn in it).

It's still a bit problematic to have this behavior in Godot, rather than an error message like "Godot can't find the necessary resources, do you want to go back to the main menu ?".