Raptorkillz So, if I understand you want to create blue spheres that when you run over them they become red? Is that the basics?
Or are you talking about the whole game?
So, for the game you need to implement several features.
The easiest would be the moving (you can either move the character with a camera attached. Or do what the original did I am pretty sure and move the floor.
Once you can do the movement aspect like you want you create the balls that occupy the spaces with the stars. These will either A be impassable or B if you move into them game over, I don't know the original game so not sure what you want.
You can then create the mechanics with the blue and red spheres, touching red game over, touch blue they turn to red.
You then can create a path generation aspect that will randomly generate a path from where you are to the edge of the map chunk you are on, along this path you will spawn in blue spheres and red spheres. The rest will be filled with star spheres.
You will create code to load in an empty chunk as you move along, that chunk will be given where it needs to start its path, then it will randomly choose an end point or more along it's edges, and make the path to those points.
This would give you the basics of the game.
I don't know if someone is going to just make the game for you. So, without a specific question of where you are struggling to implement code, or a specific bug that you have I am unsure how to help you.
Think through the aspects you need to realize the game and work on those. When you have a more specific question I'd be glad to help.
Come back with I am trying to do x, I have tried y but it does z. This way it'll allow us to help find a solution. Even, I want to do x (give as indepth description as possible) but don't know where to start allows us to give advise on a starting location.