Hello, does anyone here have successfully used any of the motion capture software out there for their project?
What i want to know if there is painless way to mo-cap facial animation using free software, import into blender and then export to godot?
I have tried one but it was painful, and in the end the result was garbage 😃.
Also mocap in general, for character animations too, not only face.
So far i know these, and only tested the facial, because the latter needs a little bit of investment - cameras and room sapce and that cholokian board for sync.
Face motion capture
1) Live link addon
First you need to have 52 predefined shapekeys for your mesh that uses rigify skeleton.

You can use the addon, free version (you will need to do some addon file management manually because it doenst work out of th ebox for 4.2 blender) to create your rigged mesh animations, and then you will have to manually add shapekeys one by one. Facial expression will be already deformed, but you can tweak them, or manually make them facial expressions.
2) You will need a software to parse your video with you making facial expression or soemthing, using this:
This will create .csv with all them predefined shapekeys and asociated values based on your expression in the source video.
Then using that live link addon you can import and apply the values to the mesh with them shapekeys.
Body motion capture
I havent tried this because you need atleast 3 cameras for this to work, a little bit of room 2x2m area i assume, and that board for sync between cameras.
So feel free to add any working more painless solutions to mo-cap. 🙂
Why do we need this?
Well for someone that is not bread animator, this would be easy way to add somewhat animated animations to your character, without stealing from asset stores 🙂