why isn't there a call scheduler for frame scheduled callbacks i.e. calling a function x amount of times in x amount of frames ? i know that this can be easily custom implemented but why isn't there an official implementation utilizing the scene tree ? i was concidring adding it my own but I'm concerned that it was proposed before and got rejected. so is there anyone who knows anything about this topic ?
scheduled callbacks, feature concern and proposal
vexymous i dont see benefit to update something according to main game loop frames.
For something that needs to run outside game loop you could use threads. You could specify how many loops to make if you really need that. I just let it rip.
- Edited
vexymous Use a coroutine that awaits for a timer or other type of wakeup signal. You can also use AnimationPlayer method tracks to call something periodically with arbitrary frequency, or sequence the calls in any way you need. A looped Tween can be used to the same effect.
So there are plenty of mechanisms already in existence to achieve what you ask for.