Note sure if this is on topic:
I am actually using a CRT-like shader for simulating this scanline look in games, in my horror game project now currently. I'll be honest, it's a warmer style than I expected, especially when using bloom-style additive lighting in a world object.
In addition, the art and how it is created makes a difference. When you're using, say, GIMP for editing, you can go to pixel level, but I think most prefer to work with more pixels rather than less especially with hand-drawn art. So the higher resolutions by default smooth out a lot of the effect you talk about.
What I do, when I hand-draw my art, is I import through Inkscape and turn it into a clear black and 0-alpha PNG after vectorizing it (basically cheater's cleanup). I then import that PNG into a pixel art editor of choice (I use Pixelorama - it's also on - and then I "harden" the pixels by selecting only the empty space, inverting it, then turning all those alpha-variants to a solid line. It does require a bit of cleanup and it's a stylistic choice to be sure, but people love how it looks.
DEMO of Horror Title