first, let me state i've been here for a long time, and i have never been this angry. this is some more text to pad out the preview paragraph when this shows up on the front page, so you think this is a very serious sentiment and click.
it is April 1st. web 2.0 all over the world is getting goofy, and there isn't a single goof to be found here. goofs are critical to maintaining a sense of community, because without goofs, the only thing that keeps people together is a common enemy, tangible or otherwise.
tell me, do you wanna laugh? or do you wanna hate? or do you want to be a robot devoid of what makes you human?

here, a funny cat image so i'm not all talk.
feel free to share yours

i just put this through deepl in russian. it looks wrong. for the russians, goofs or fools or stupid means jokes. i hope that translates right else i'm going to look very mean.

    packrat here, a funny cat image so i'm not all talk.
    feel free to share yours

    Here are my cats helping me unpack after moving in.

    I can't send pictures of my cat, because he disappears at night and I can't find him until the morning when he comes to ask for food and sleep in a plastic chair.

    I don't have a cat

    Here's one of mine, planning an April Fool's Day prank of his own.

    not sure about this forum, but many forums are toxic, have toxic mods, who ban people for being people. people are generally stupid, and the smartest ones are always dead - Terry A. Davis.

    Ive tried to post something on Rossmann matrix forum/space and was banned automagically by a mod/bot. This is just a rant about how some people boast about how others /corporations are out to get you and i am the chosen one to enlighten you all sheep to wake up Joe biden. Meanwhile banning people for no reason, for expressing opinions.

      kuligs2 I strongly object against cats dominating this thread. To bring the universe back into balance I hereby submit a photo of our budgie. He passed away recently but I can assure you he celebrated April 1st each and every day.

      Ah yes.... good ol' universe balance.


        I am disappointed too, so many people smelling cat litter all day.

        I don't have any animals but a positive potatoe