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I entered (and completed) my first ever game jam two weeks ago. The theme for the jam was "Use it or lose it" and I created a very simple battlegolf game for it. Due to the time limitations (and because I'm still a complete noob in Godot and simple things sometimes take me much longer than they should), the game is very primitive an barebones at the moment. There are also a few bugs that I'm aware of and probably a whole lot more that I'm not. It's a two player game (sharing a computer, basically just taking turns with the mouse), simply because I did not have time to add the AI for the second player. The golf course only has four holes at the moment (again, because I just ran out of time). So it's a bit of a desaster, but since I already realeased it into the wild by submitting it to the game jam, I thought I'd share it here anyway.
Not sure if I want to keep working on this in the future or not. There are a lot of things I can imaging doing with it (from the already mentioned AI to network support, more golf clubs to choose from, more golf courses, better graphics, a scoreboard etc.). But I'm not sure if it's worth the effort. The cool thing is that even in this very primitive form, it does have a truly golf-like feeling to it.