I entered (and completed) my first ever game jam two weeks ago. The theme for the jam was "Use it or lose it" and I created a very simple battlegolf game for it. Due to the time limitations (and because I'm still a complete noob in Godot and simple things sometimes take me much longer than they should), the game is very primitive an barebones at the moment. There are also a few bugs that I'm aware of and probably a whole lot more that I'm not. It's a two player game (sharing a computer, basically just taking turns with the mouse), simply because I did not have time to add the AI for the second player. The golf course only has four holes at the moment (again, because I just ran out of time). So it's a bit of a desaster, but since I already realeased it into the wild by submitting it to the game jam, I thought I'd share it here anyway.


Not sure if I want to keep working on this in the future or not. There are a lot of things I can imaging doing with it (from the already mentioned AI to network support, more golf clubs to choose from, more golf courses, better graphics, a scoreboard etc.). But I'm not sure if it's worth the effort. The cool thing is that even in this very primitive form, it does have a truly golf-like feeling to it.

I like it 🙂 As I know nothing about golfing, it took me a moment to figure out that I have to zoom out a lot to see the area I can click in when using certain clubs.

The winner can take a card from the loser, but somehow I didn't get any? Or do they get swapped and I didn't notice?

What was the time limit? Just out of curiousty.

    trizZzle Thanks for trying it out and for your feedback. The game jam ran for 9 days (basically a full week plus one extra weekend). That sounds like a lot, but since I work fulltime, I only really had the weekends and about an hour in the evenings. I'm sure, a more experienced Godot user would have gotten more out of it, but as I said, even little things took me an awful long time (for example to get the coordinate calculations right when the camera was zoomed out). I also programmed my very first shader for this project (the black mask that shows when you select a club, leaving only the areas visible where you can hit the shot to with that club).

    The winner takes a card from the looser by clicking on it. The card stays in the same place (simply to make better use of the screen real estate), it just changes its color to show that it now belongs to the other player ... the new owner can use it like all their other clubs when playing the next hole. On the last hole taking the club does not make much sense at the moment, because you can't use it. Not sure how I will handle that in the future. As I said, I'm not sure if this game even has a future at this point. It definitely needs better instructions and/or UI hints.

      Capella Imho 9 days doesn't sound a lot and seeing your result with your limited time I'm impressed even more.
      I didn't notice that the card changes color. I will have a look at the game again. Maybe I finally learn the differences between all the clubs and I like the sound when the ball finally gets into the hole. 😄

      Now I see that the cards become colored differently. But after stealing a card the text to choose a club to use appears on the wrong player.

        a month later

        That's a huge achievement. I totally get how time constraints can make things tricky, especially when you're still learning the ropes. Reminds me of when I tried creating my own version of solitaire for a coding project. It ended up being way more challenging than I anticipated, but I learned a ton in the process.