• Community
  • What will happen to this site now that the official forums are back?

11 days later

i'm new here, so sorry in advance if that reads offensive;
wouldn't a merge with the official forum be the best move?

i really don't like community decentralization... Godot could have a great and informative one only at a single place and not scattered at Reddit, Discord, Matrix, IRC etc.

    luqtas i really don't like community decentralization

    It's impossible to avoid decentralization. No matter how great a place is, people will create others.

    Even huge companies like Microsoft and Apple, who have far more resources than the Godot project, can't control that.

    luqtas i'm new here

    Hey, welcome!

    This is an independently run community separate from the Godot Foundation. This forum is not going anywhere 🙂 . Having a choice is great. And on top of that, we have very different goals and ambitions than the foundation. I personally think it's great that these places exist to give room for more innovation and features that wouldn't be possible on the one run by the foundation. This way, the foundation can also focus more on the engine's development.

    We have things in the works for the forum that haven't been announced and released yet that we believe will be great for the community, and this place will keep evolving over time to become the best it can be.

    I can see some cons to decentralization. However I dinnae really see it being bad personally. If anything it allows for more ways to find answers or interact with folks outside of certain sites.

    Imagine only being able to talk about Godot stuff on Twitter/X. Och... what a nightmare that'd be. (I know it could just be the other forum instead btw, but still lol)