Following the tutorial

This is what it says to do

Click on the Player node and add (Ctrl + A on Windows/Linux or Cmd + A on macOS) a child node AnimatedSprite2D. The AnimatedSprite2D will handle the appearance and animations for our player. Notice that there is a warning symbol next to the node. An AnimatedSprite2D requires a SpriteFrames resource, which is a list of the animations it can display. To create one, find the Sprite Frames property under the Animation tab in the Inspector and click "[empty]" -> "New SpriteFrames". Click again to open the "SpriteFrames" panel:

I have done that but i cannot find the tab to sprite frames tab. It says to create an animationplayer node but no where in the tutorial does it say to do that.

Am i doing something wrong or is the tutorial not up to date, it says it is.

  • xyz replied to this.

    Raro You need to click on the SpriteFrames resource:

    a year later

    This was very helpful! I was confused about the tutorial as well. Thank you