I did have programming experience before making JAILBREAKER. I started with Clickteam Fusion using visual scripting, then moved to GameMaker and learned coding using GML and later on learned Godot and GDScript. I'd say I had 3 years of experience with visual scripting then 3 years of experience coding. So 6 years of game dev experience before I made JAILBREAKER.
I only have 1.5 years of experience with Godot so I still have a lot to learn as well, but a lot of my experience with visual scripting and coding in other language did help me learn Godot and GDScript quite quickly. I also made 3 other games with Godot before making JAILBREAKER. One was a short 48 hour project just for testing my basic knowledge, the other was a more serious attempt at making a game, and the third one was for a gamejam. You can check them out here: https://awfy.itch.io/. I also made FNaF fangames before this during my Clickteam Fusion time and you can check those out here: https://gamejolt.com/@Awfy. You'll notice that the quality improves with each game, that's because I practice by making games as much as possible.
I don't think not knowing basics is a problem at all. Things like game dev takes time to learn so you just gotta take it slow and you'll get there. The best way to learn is to make games. If it feels daunting, force yourself to make one if you have to. It could be a short 48 hour project or perhaps something that takes 3-4 months. You could make a fangame as well like I did (I'm actually working on another one right now just for fun😊).
Point is, you have to make things, otherwise you'll lose touch and have to re-learn everything again. It's how learning works in general. If you practiced playing the piano for years, but then stop, chances are you'll have to re-learn some of the things again.