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As explained in my introduction post, i'm switching from Unity to Godot.
I'm not really a gamedev (for now), i haven't develop any games and not be really concerned by the Unity politics change. But:
First, it's a principle question, a logic like that is, for me, a stupid one, because they perfectly know that is not acceptable and try to obligate their customers to accept it. It's not even a scam, it's a racket. It's not their first one, but previous changes were debatable but logical and not necessarily stupid. On the other side they offer a huge asset store, lot of native functionalities and a very good learning website/docs. But, on the long term, it's stupid because they create an antagonism with their customers, not even counterbalanced by what they have to offer. Customers can accept things but when they reach a certain point they don't forget and forgive.
Secondly, i don't have a game to sell but it's my goal in few years and i work hard to make a great and successful game. So i will, maybe, be in the fee concerned and i don't accept scam and racket business. Other points, it's not their first bad move and it will not be the last. What's next? In any case i will not accept, so no need to continue with them.
Thirst and last, i'm tired of this shitty business logic. For me it's not business, it's only short term vision and venality. We, as a society, need to produce a business system based on mutuality, listening and fair exchanges between people and organism. I'm tired of Adobe,Autodesk,Dassault, GAFAM, others and now Unity, who can't manage their society without seeing their customers as moneybag only? Again, it's not business as i see it. I'm happy because now i can have only free/open-source software on my computer, with all the functionalities i need and modern UI. Thanks to Debian (25 years of happiness with you!), Blender, Inkscape, VLC, others and now Godot! On the long term this logic is better not only for customers but also for the society. And you know what, i prefer to donate 100 euros to support the work on an open project, than pay a software of a company who loose my respect and confidence. Society is made by our choice, not because of theorical hypocrite business logic who the only goal is to hide the venality of some people who have never enough.
And now?
I will not care anymore of Unity and all others disrespectful companies. I will focus on projects like Blender and Godot, hope they will not change their mind and support the good work, made with smart exchanges between people. I already love Godot, the UI is clean, just what i need, where i need, when i need. Godot will make a pretty couple with Blender!
Thanks a lot to all people behind Godot and the community. Keep the good work on and i will be with you for a lot of years, since now!
PS: My post sounds a little angry and anarchist, it's what i am. I tried to write with only my mind but my heart was here and i'm always angry about who society works.