• Godot Help
  • Confusion about Animation Player - FPS and total length

Hi all,

So, I'm finally playing around with Godot 4 and I've run into a frustration when setting up animations in an Animation Player. I can't seem to get the speed (FPS) and length (seconds) of the animation to both be what I want.

The screenshot shows a 4 frame animation playing at 10 FPS. The value next to the little stop-watch on the right shows 4 (animation length in frames). If I change the FPS to 5, that 4 frames changes to 2 frames. And in the track, you can see each frame now spans two sprites! Why?!?! I don't want to change the length of the animation - it's still 4 frames. I just want to slow it down.

Is there a way to decouple those two values so changing one doesn't change the other?

If I just want to tweak FPS a little up or down to dial in a nice speed, I don't want to have to constantly recalculate the length of the animation so the frames line up with the four sprites.

Am I missing something here? (very very possible)

10 FPS

5 FPS - Why did the length change to 2 frames???

2 years later

This option is just snap, it won't change speed of your animation. You need to set Speed Scale in the inspector to 0.5 or move frames manually.