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Sometimes you need to work with models which are provided without textures thus no UV mapping. Ideally you just UV unrwap them in Blender, but it would take too long when working with sets of multiple meshes especially since you need to correct the result by hand. Still you usually want to texture them somehow, obviously with a generic tiling texture.
I was wondering what options Godot 4 offers in dealing with models that have no UV map. How can you project a tiling texture in such a way so it shows up on surfaces without stretching? Blender for instance lets you use the object coordinates as a projection point, when you plug that into a material node you can put any texture on any mesh no problem.
In Godot the only method I'm aware of is triplanar mapping: I believe that overrides the UV map to project the texture from X Y Z world axes. That's mainly intended for terrain though: Should I use it as a workaround for meshes with no UV map, and is there a better way otherwise?