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Hey all!
I'm planning to get more involved with the Godot Engine in the future, specifically networking and integration since I'm a network engineer/programmer (DevOps). I have two really exciting projects I wanted to introduce and see if there's anybody from Godot Engine willing to help out with since they will be open-source on GitHub and also benefit Godot Engine itself (at the very least feature-wise). At the moment, we cannot offer pay to developers, but once we get off the ground and start generating revenue, we will be paying partners (who may be developers or modders) and donating to the gaming/modding community in general since I want this community/business to be as selfless as possible and open-source. I'm hoping once these projects get off the ground, we can advertise and donate to/support Godot Engine as well (a partnership would be amazing, but I know things need to get off the ground first before that is even considered)!
The two project's names are The Modding Community and Speedrun: The Game. For a full overview of these projects, you may check out this presentation which also explains why I really believe these projects will succeed.
The Modding Community
Before continuing, I wanted to briefly talk about modding itself in relation to gaming. Modding support allows for the community to create custom content for games. These mods may be single-player or multiplayer (networking). Mods that run on game servers offer a lot of flexibility because it allows the community to interact with each other. For example, I used to host a popular modded Zombie Escape server for one of my old gaming communities in the game Counter-Strike: Source. The game mode, maps, models, and so on are made by the community due to modding support.
This is just one example out of so many on games/servers with modding, but unfortunately these type of games and amount of modding support is rare. With that said, on a technical level, most games are essentially mods because they mod/alter/use a game engine such as Godot Engine as their base.
In regards to our community, we shine spotlight and support onto modding. We have a website and forum already setup (we're looking for any feedback!), but we're also developing a unique mod marketplace and proper/modern mod and server browser. We are also using and hoping to collaborate with open-source game engines to create games that have full mod and cross-play support, especially for community/modded servers that can be hosted by any individual, community, or maintainer. For example, this is what we're doing with Speedrun: The Game which I will go into more detail about below.
Our goal is to create flexible APIs and tools for mod or game maintainers to use and build with. This includes proper tools such as forums for topics or blog-like posts, a server browser that supports a tree/tagging system, and custom categories/pages. Anything to meet the needs of a mod's development and community. We'd like to encourage mods/games to implement full support for web browsers, mobile devices, consoles, and computer operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Imagine a user clicking a community or modded server through our mod/server browser, downloading all base and custom server files automatically, and then playing through there with the server's community. I really would like to implement support for TCP and UDP on games so that people can play using different protocols (TCP generally adds overhead, but I don't believe web browsers natively support UDP yet). Personally, I hope web browsers support loading a full intense 3D game inside of the web browser with no performance disadvantage compared to full applications from websites (as long as the user accepts a security popup).
We want to give the community full control on the direction of games and the best thing for that is to implement full modding support. Modding is what has kept many old games alive, even to this day.
Speedrun: The Game
In addition to the above, The Modding Community is also developing an open-source game called Speedrun: The Game and we're planning to use the Godot Engine!
This game will be geared towards the speed running community and since we're tying this into The Modding Community, we will be providing open-source mod tools that we hope to be implemented into Godot Engine and our website, which will allow the community to create custom game modes/flavors, maps, models, mods, and more for speed running along with being able to run global community and modded servers. We also want to create a timer/record library that supports external game's speed running general/world records and more so we're bringing the entire speed running community together!
The starting game modes I'd like to introduce are Bunny Hop, Surf, and Climb. These are also from Counter-Strike and I'll post some videos below.
Bunny Hop
Surf Timer
Now imagine what type of speed running game modes and flavors we'll see when aiming towards the full speed running community and offering modding support!
I understand these are big projects and we are still in the early stages, but any feedback or help would be appreciated and I believe this would benefit you (since it'll be open-source), Godot Engine, and many others! I do understand any skepticism regarding these projects as well, though. Honestly, I just really want to at least try making gaming as fun as it used to be when modding was more popular, at least for community/modded servers (not just single-player) along with making a generally positive change to technology and gaming since modding does introduce many people to programming, modeling, and many other careers. I already have a lot of talented developers in the community and will be telling them about Godot Engine. With that said, there are already some large content creators involved in the community (combining for over 20 million subscribers on YouTube).
I hope the above was worth the read and thank you for your time