Thanks to the kind person who's helping me, I'm trying chunuiyu's Card Framework, which is simpler than the other two and quite well documented.
And it made me think of something else : since I'll be using cards for the orders given, it could be interesting to have those have card values.
Not sure yet how to decide the value of each card in the final game; I guess that for the mock-up just drawing them at random (it's very unlikely that a battle will use more than 52 cards) should work fine.
Then we make those cards follow the rules of Poker, the cards representing tactical brilliance : for each square, big square, row, column (and for the checkerboard in general), at combat resolution phase, we compare "hands" and the winner gets an advantage for what happens there.
Cards add for each level : that is, the hand for square C1R1 is composed of the card (if any) played at square C1R1, the card (if any) played at Column1, the card (if any) played at Row1, the card (if any) played for the "big square" going from C1R1 to C3R3, the card (if any) played at Big Column1-3, the card (if any) played at Big Row1-3, and the card (if any) for the whole checkerboard.
These hands are known after each round, so if there are more than 5 cards in these hands, the player chooses which ones to "discard" (that is, the order will still be executed, but the card won't be used for comparing the hand to the enemy's).
Actually, what would be even more interesting would be to have each player decide which game he'll be playing with his cards, but I haven't found a way yet to make that work so I'll drop it for this mock-up.
And to avoid complexifying the mock-up too much, it may be better to have the option to use these card values/poker comparisons or not, so it's possible to learn how it works first without the poker part.
Anyway, Poker is interesting because of bets, and I'm specifically designing a non-interactive combat system, so alas I can't have interactive bets in it (or maybe at a meta level ? but I can't think of something interesting right now).
So what I'd have is a sum of "audacity points" for each player, and in the design phase the player bets these audacity points on each location (for each round, while the sum is for the entire 4-rounds battle; so a player can't bet on each location unless they have a huge amount of Audacity Points, which they won't).
Bets, contrary to cards, do not add for different levels of each location : you bet either on the column or the square (or the row, or whatever, I mean). You can bet on both if you spend audacity on both, but if you bet let's say 2 Audacity on square C1R1 and 1 on row 1, you have 2 A on square C1R1, not 3.
To win the upper hand in any location, the player must have both bet more or equal than the opponent, and have a better hand of cards (tactical brilliance doesn't work without audacity).
If the player who win the bets has a lower hand, nothing happens (audacity doesn't work without tactical brilliance).
Obviously this should incite players to bet on the locations where their hand is the best, which doesn't make for a very interesting game.
I mean, the game works if they try to bet on where their hand will best their enemy's (since they can't know it for sure, which makes the betting interesting), but if they just bet there they have their strongest hand (comparatively to their other hands, which they entirely know), it's not very challenging.
So I guess that each time the player plays a card, as long as he still has Audacity Points available, he has to make a bet on a specific location where he hasn't put a bet yet (and that bet can't be changed after that).
That means I guess that a player chooses one order, gets the card value assigned to that order ("ace of spade" for example) and has to play this order now - no backsies¹.
Also, if a player wins the bet and the hand, it means that their audacity and tactical brilliance pays off, and s/he gets an advantage on that location that is multiplied by the total of the bets put there (audacity backfires on the loser).
(I'm not entirely sure of the effect of that last rule on the balance of the game, so if someone has a better understanding of it/more ideas to help this balance, I'd be glad to hear them)
Which advantage is chosen by the player (on a per-turn basis rather than per-location I guess, so as to avoid clogging the UI) : more damage dealt, less damage received, more speed for their ships, less speed for enemy ships, better stealth, easier achievements, ...
So what that means for the Godot scene :
A counter for the Audacity points
A label area (with a drop-down menu ?) to choose the advantage provided by having the upper hand during the current round
Near each card slot a way to place a bet (another counter I guess ?). One too on each square (since square won't have dedicated card slots)
At the end of each round in the design phase, an animation showing each location with more than 5 cards, and a way to signal which excess cards will not count for the hand
A way to check the hand for each location for the current round, at every step of the game
In the combat resolution phase, an animation showing the bets and hands for each location, and another one showing the locations where each player won
Probably an animation on each location where one player won, to show what advantage applies
I think that's it ?
Once it's integrated in the full FreeOrion game, one problem is that once a player has met the enemy combat doctrine, its bets are well known and it's easy to tailor counter-bets against them.
Note though that tailoring combat doctrines to counter enemy combat doctrines is the core principle of this non-interactive combat system (as you never know which combat doctrine the enemy will choose among the many they have).
Still, it's probably useful to avoid tying completely the bets to the combat doctrine.
Probably, allowing to change one's bets a little (maybe one Audacity Points each turn ? or a small number tied to the Empire's characteristics ?) would make the game more interesting.
¹ Another option would have the player see the card values for each possible order, and each type s/he picks a card s/he has to play this card, and another card for the same order - but with a different card value - is drawn and added to the possible order cards. The value for the new card would be known after the player has picked their card, but before they play it.
So if s/he picked a "move&shoot" order bearing a five of hearts, and the new "move&shoot" card is a king of diamonds, the player may choose to put the five of hearts in a different location than they previously intended, in order to put the king of diamonds where it brings the most benefits.