• Projects
  • 3Dconnexion Space Mouse Support in Godot

So I made some progress. I can now move the viewport camera around. The axis are all messed up, so I'll need to do some math, but both translation and rotation are getting correct values from the device.

My issue now is that after moving with the spacenav, if you use the mouse/keyboard to move it snaps back to the previous position (before you moved with the spacenav). I guess the editor has it's own copy of the transform it uses, so I may have to hook into that rather than modifying the camera directly. Hopefully that is possible with a plugin and won't need source access.

I also had to rewrite the function to find the camera. That code works for a game, but not in the editor. In the editor you have to find the Viewports and then get the Camera from that. Here is the new function.

func find_camera(node, list) :
	if node is Viewport:
		var camera = node.get_camera()
		return list
	for child in node.get_children():
		find_camera(child, list)
	return list

And you can call it like this:

var editor = get_editor_interface()
var viewport = editor.get_editor_viewport()
var results = find_camera(viewport, [])
var camera = results[1]

The number 1 is needed because I have 1 user camera in my scene (results[0], the first editor camera is results[1]). If I had more, that would be a different number. It would also be a higher number if you used the split view for multiple view angles in the editor. I'll have to figure out a way to determine where you are looking rather than hard-coding the index.

Kojack I also see that the official Linux sdk hasn't been updated in 17 years, so it may be a little out of date. Probably a good idea to go with libspnav instead. 🙂

Yeah, the fact that they haven't updated the Linux SDK in 2 decades doesn't make me eager to support them. Like it's not even a lot of work, the drivers are fairly simple and they basically abandoned Linux.

So I kept looking into it, and no, it is not possible without a source code change. The editor camera transform is controlled by a class called Cursor and is updated in the file spatial_editor_plugin.cpp. However, it holds it's own state, it does not read it from the editor viewport camera. Meaning even though I can move the camera, the state is not maintained (as soon as you start altering the camera with the mouse or keyboard it will revert to the previous state). So it's not going to work. Sorry, @Kojack

Oh well. Thanks for looking into it.

I guess I'll just hack the Godot source. 🙂

I'm guessing you were in version 3.4? In 4.0 there's no spatial_editor_plugin.cpp file, but there's a node_3d_editor_plugin.cpp which contains mouse and keyboard controls.
I found that back when I first started looking into this, I could probably easily add hard coded support for my own input library, but it won't help anyone else (and especially not non-windows users). But fine for myself.

Well, if I can get scons to let me. Can't say I'm a fan.

Yes, I'm on 3.4.4. But 4.0 is similar in the file your found (Spatial was renamed to Node3D in Godot 4.0, but works almost the same). I know I could get it working with a recompile, but I don't wish to do that as it will only work for me. Might still be worth trying just to see how it feels, but the idea was to release it as a plugin to help other people.

That said, I still have full control over user created Nodes. Meaning the Space Navigator could be used to position/orient objects, or move user cameras. This is less common, but still could be useful. I already tried it, I can get the selected object like this:

var editor = get_editor_interface()
var selection = editor.get_selection()

And then do whatever I want. However, I really wanted to use it to fly around the scene.

One other option is to spoof input, which would get passed to the editor. I know I can trigger fake mouse/keyboard events, but this will greatly limit the kind of 6DOF controls I want. However, it could be a compromise.

Okay, so I decided I have to finish this. I started editing the Godot source code, it's actually not that complicated (I guess those 15 years of learning C++ finally came in handy). I have the position pretty close to working. Right now it is in global space, so I have to convert it into the camera space, but I solved the issue of the mouse/keyboard interference. The rotation should not be difficult either. It's getting late now, but I think I can have it all working tomorrow.

It will take longer to get the space navigator to work cross-platform, though I can submit my commit and hope it gets merged in the meantime. My changes have nothing to do with the space navigator, it just allows altering the camera position/orientation. This could also be useful for AR/VR or for accessibility. For example, people could develop plugins that allow neck or mouth controllers to move the camera. So I think there is a good chance they will take my merge.

    Another potential use for control of the editor view is adding camera view shortcuts. Like place the camera looking at a part of your scene then bind that transform to a key. There's already the 6 axis view shortcuts, but no free view recording that I can see.

    For some reason I can't get release builds of 4.0 to work (comes up with an error about missing .pck), but debug builds work fine (but slower). Probably some setting got messed up when I followed some online instructions to get godot compiling from visual studio (although still routed through scons, annoyingly).

    It's working!!! @Kojack @Megalomaniak

    I gave up the idea of editing the source code. Though I did get it sort of working, that Cursor class is used for too much and it was causing all sorts of crazy bugs. Even if I did finish it, there was the problem of the z axis, so there was always going to be some jump. I decided to just use what was available as a plugin. This means the 6DOF state is not saved, but it doesn't mess up the normal function of the mouse and keyboard. I'll have to add cross-platform support for the extension, but the plugin itself is fully working.

      cybereality It might be handy to have a 5DOF mode. I find roll can get annoying at times in editors. 🙂
      Cool work though!

      I actually find roll helpful since it gives you a difference perspective. This is important in 3D because you are literally missing a dimension. It's sort of like how traditional artists back in the day were told to view their drawings in a mirror, because it shows you things you can't see normally.

      Still, a turntable mode might have it's uses too. And a fly mode. But for initial support these can probably be considered "fluff".

      Then again, if you are using the Connexion sdk, the control panel can already disable roll (at least on windows).

        I guess it is sort of a turntable. It rotates around the selected object right now. You can kind of still fly wherever, since you have full control, but it gets difficult if you move more than around 6 units from the center (of the current object). Fly mode I can look into. I have tried it before on other apps and it never worked well. But it's worth investigating.

        Kojack Then again, if you are using the Connexion sdk, the control panel can already disable roll (at least on windows).

        Yes, I can put in some options. That shouldn't be an issue. I have to do that anyway to control the speed.

          cybereality I guess linux may not have the same thing. But in windows there's already a configuration panel in the drivers for apps that use the sdk which gives axis scales, turning axes on/off, etc.

          No Linux never had that. It was just a service with no GUI, but it hasn't worked in a long time. I looked into the official SDK, but it looks overly complicated and I'm not especially fond of the license (particularly because I plan to release the plug-in open source). While I don't have to open source the DLL, it still makes me nervous. I think I did enough for today, but I'll see about either the HIDAPI or porting libspnav to Windows/macOS. Not sure which would be easier, but I feel like contributing to libspnav may be more worthwhile in the long run.

            cybereality Wait, sorry, I'd already misremembered the earlier part of the thread and thought you were using the linux sdk. Ignore my last post.

            I like HID because I can also use it to get access to all features of things like PS5 controllers (touch pad, IMU, etc).

            Yeah, the official sdk is rather excessive. For my own simple Connexion library (not my full multi-device input library) that I use with things like Unity, the entire interface is just:

            struct ConnexionState
            	float pos_x;
            	float pos_y;
            	float pos_z;
            	float rot_x;
            	float rot_y;
            	float rot_z;
            	unsigned int buttons;
            int init();
            void poll();
            unsigned int getDeviceCount();
            unsigned int getDeviceType(unsigned int deviceIndex);
            ConnexionState getState(unsigned int deviceIndex);
            ConnexionState getStatePrevious(unsigned int deviceIndex);
            unsigned int buttonPressed(unsigned int deviceIndex, unsigned int button);
            unsigned int buttonReleased(unsigned int deviceIndex, unsigned int button);
            unsigned int buttonDown(unsigned int deviceIndex, unsigned int button);
            void setLED(unsigned int deviceIndex, unsigned int value);
            void setRotationPower(unsigned int deviceIndex, float p);
            void setTranslationPower(unsigned int deviceIndex, float p);

            This is where I still applaud Microsoft for the XInput API. Unlike almost every other API they've made, XInput is so incredibly simple to use. No setup/init. One function call gives you the state of every part of an xbox controller in a simple struct. One function call lets you set haptics. Shame it doesn't support other brand devices like DirectInput does.

            Side note, I don't understand these SDKs that are so over-engineered. I just want a single header file, like 5 functions, and a simple command-line sample. Not sure why they have to make things so obtuse.