i left unity ,and now im working on a FPS in godot for a week now. its a dark fantasy shooter heres the result> https://youtube.com/watch?v=47KIZJXtIAs started with the basic controller, footsteps and procedural bobbing / jumping and weapon sway

    main character concept drawing

      Wow! That looks amazing. Like a AAA game. Can't believe you put that together so quickly in Godot.

      @cybereality said: Wow! That looks amazing. Like a AAA game. Can't believe you put that together so quickly in Godot.

      tnx, not really AAA but im not aiming for insane graphics . gameplay,sound design and atmosphere are more important than AAA graphics imo

      guess i wont be using godot afterall :'( cant get my animations to import correctly in the engine. tried fbx, collada, gltf. everything screws up my skinning and animation tried to workaround and import them in blender first, they look fine there. even blenders' exporters dont work when importing. shame

      I'm sure it's a fixable problem. Animation is working in Godot AFAIK and lots of games use them.

      Might be some issue with the base pose or some transform on the bone that is not applied properly. glTF is your best bet for Blender. For Autodesk programs, use FBX. I wouldn't bother with COLLADA, I think it still works but it's not the greatest format.

      Can you send me one of the animations? I can take a look on my end (you can PM me if you don't want to post on the public form). I'll see if I can get it to work.

      I think I got it working. We can continue talking here if you want.

      @cybereality said: I think I got it working. We can continue talking here if you want.

      tnx for your time! does anyone know how to correctly export from blender in fbx? now every object is set to an animated layer. how do i combine those in the fbx? also how to split up animations on import so they show up in the editor?

      The animations are in the AnimationPlayer. If you click on it there is a drop down on the menu on the bottom middle that shows the animations to preview. You can play then in code by calling animation_player.play("animation name") however it can only play one at a time. You need an AnimationTree to play multiple animations, and inside you can make different objects, such as a BlendSpace or various things. It seems kind of complex, so maybe there is a better way to sync animations. I think it is more useful to blend between say a running and a jumping animation.

      i understand, but i want it more simplified as my animations dont need to blend or loop. they blend perfectly in my animations. and yes i only want to play 1 animation at once

      4 days later

      Hi, i had also some issues with Blender Animations. For me it works with an combination of glTF and the escn exporter for blender: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-blender-exporter With glTF the animation where transfered to godot, but the mesh was not there, maybe a think with the vertex weights. Did export with escn (there the animation was not correct, but the mesh). So i delete the mesh from the glTF, add the mesh from the escn and attached the Skeleton from the glTF inside godot.

      @Andreas said: Hi, i had also some issues with Blender Animations. For me it works with an combination of glTF and the escn exporter for blender: https://github.com/godotengine/godot-blender-exporter With glTF the animation where transfered to godot, but the mesh was not there, maybe a think with the vertex weights. Did export with escn (there the animation was not correct, but the mesh). So i delete the mesh from the glTF, add the mesh from the escn and attached the Skeleton from the glTF inside godot.

      i allready fixed it with gltf. but i cannot get the "split animation clips " on import to work

      Hi, sry didnt get the point. As you say, you want to have all animations in one clip? Why to split them?

      @Andreas said: Hi, sry didnt get the point. As you say, you want to have all animations in one clip? Why to split them?

      i used to have my animation split up into layers in gltf when importing into godot. i wanted a main animationlayer to use. that was fixed by simply unchecking a thickbox on export then i tried splitting the animation on import settings into clips but that doesnt work. so i ended up duplicating the "main" animation and editing the clips in the godot timeline editor, wich isnt ideal

      From Blender, if you finish with your animations, you have several animations in the Action Editor, right? Then you need to "Push Down" (there is a button in the action editor) to create the NLA stack. In the NLA-Editor you need to mute the layers (for some reason) With all your animations in the NLA stack, you do export to glTF. On the AnimationExportDialog check if "Group by NLA" is active. After importing to godot, you will have a single AnimationPlayer, but with all your animations inside. You can access them like cyberreality wrote:

      If you click on it there is a drop down on the menu on the bottom middle that shows the animations to preview. You can play then in code by calling animation_player.play("animation name")

      @Andreas said: From Blender, if you finish with your animations, you have several animations in the Action Editor, right? Then you need to "Push Down" (there is a button in the action editor) to create the NLA stack. In the NLA-Editor you need to mute the layers (for some reason) With all your animations in the NLA stack, you do export to glTF. On the AnimationExportDialog check if "Group by NLA" is active. After importing to godot, you will have a single AnimationPlayer, but with all your animations inside. You can access them like cyberreality wrote:

      If you click on it there is a drop down on the menu on the bottom middle that shows the animations to preview. You can play then in code by calling animation_player.play("animation name")

      i cant use the nla stack, i create my work in c4d. i just use blender( to import my fbx models) because it has a better gltf exporter godot should fix their importers so they work correctly, splitting animations on import shouldnt be a problem it would make a whole lot of peoples' lifes easier

      Have you asked on Cinema4D forums or contacted Cinema4D support? To my mind the cinema glTF exporter should be able to do the job too. If not then there's work to be done there to improve it. If they are never informed they'll not know to improve it either.

      @Megalomaniak said: Have you asked on Cinema4D forums or contacted Cinema4D support? To my mind the cinema glTF exporter should be able to do the job too. If not then there's work to be done there to improve it. If they are never informed they'll not know to improve it either.

      c4d is notorious for export problems. even fbx(the most common system) was only starting working correctly in r18/19 i wish godot developers would adress the fbx import system, and the ability to split the imported animation file into clips. that way i dont need to workaround the gltf blender workflow

      Honestly FBX problems exist because of AutoDesk and this is also one of the very reasons why glTF exists, collada didn't do the job well enough and everyone was getting sick of FBX issues.

      AutoDesk does put out an SDK for motionbuilders fbx but they also keep changing specs rather arbitrarily every year so it's a huge pain to maintain support for, if you even can since the license itself is a pain too.

      There's a reason why blender community just reverse engineered and developed their own importer and exporter from scratch. It's cause blender is GPL licensed and AD decided to outright make their license completely incompatible. Explicitly.

      I still want to figure out your problem. I'm sure we can find a work around or something. But this is a common issue with proprietary "standards" that one company controls. Especially when the specification is not open, costs money, or changes every year. When I heard about glTF, and especially after the 2.0 version came out, I decided I will only support that. I also used to use Maya primarily, but I cancelled my subscription and I just use Blender now and it's actually much better. It sucks, I know, but these companies make their money by locking you in, that is by design.