cybereality I'm a big fan of the religion exploit. It bugs the game so when you die, the "is you dead?" check gets skipped and causes a hard crash. You can just reboot the game after that and keep playing. I think you lose all your progress, but I wouldn't know. I've heard some say you can get lucky and lose nothing, but that might be a bug totally unrelated to the exploit.

SAO was interesting at first, but went down hill.
As a programmer, I much prefer SOA. 🙂

    Kojack I like it when shows get weird or mystic with sci-fi. I really like it when they take "deus ex machina" very literally. I like it even more when they throw in a heavy dose of 200X era angst. Take a wild guess what my 2nd favorite anime is.

      Ergo Proxy was really good. I used that girl as my avatar for a long time.

      Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, and Paranoia Agent are all up there too.

      Nothing beats Ghost in the Shell, though.

        packrat I like it when shows get weird or mystic with sci-fi. I really like it when they take "deus ex machina" very literally. I like it even more when they throw in a heavy dose of 200X era angst. Take a wild guess what my 2nd favorite anime is.


        cybereality I have never heard of Paranoia Agent until just now, and it's a sin I never got around to watching Ghost in the Shell. I couldn't get into Texhnolyze but I may give it another chance someday. I have way too much to do to sit down and watch anything. Studying german, trying to get LPI certification, I've redone the same sheets of red green and blue shapes for the past 3 days because i keep thinking of much better ways to program the shader. In the small bit of free time I get, I walk outside, otherwise my face gets rough and my hair gets greasy.
        I also post here and get banned from imageboards for rules I never bothered to read. Turns out image boards are way more strict nowadays than 10 years back.

        I was watching Texhnolyze but stopped. I can't remember why and I can't remember a single thing about the show, except a vague impression of someone standing next to a wall. I may have just got distracted by another show. If I go back to it, I'll have to start from the beginning again.

          Kojack Yeah, same exact experience. I got really busy and the whole show was spirited away from my memory.

          It's not Bananya, by the way.

          cybereality I bricked pulseaudio for the first time in a year trying a hack without the sacrificial thinkpad to test it on first. That said, without audio, it looks cool.
          Now I need to thank you. I just did a ton of what I think people call "image processing" that would have totally caused my old computer to shoot itself. The result is half of just 1/5th of an avatar creation system I'm designing. It's a lot of work for something that will be an "acquired taste" at best.
          I personally think it looks really cool, but I also think imperfect edges, rough lines and paint splats are awesome.
          There are multiple reasons I dropped out from art classes.

          cybereality Oh yeah, I saw like half of this at a chick's house once. She told me I was too autistic (her words, not mine) to get why it's good and she's probably right. It was all pretty emotional scenes I didn't understand. I need earthier colors or darker story tone to stay interested. It's one of my fatal flaws, socially. I can't empathize with reasonably happy or sad characters,
          I do however get anger, confusion, melancholy or ecstasy. That sounds like manic depression now that I type it out, but
          I'm okay (I promise).

          I forgot the blogpost warning.

          cybereality I'm guessing it's a blend of Beauty and the Beast with Cinderella.
          I do like one of the creator's previous movies The Boy and the Beast. That was quite cool.

          cybereality thanks for the share, I just downloaded and watched it (Belle). It got a fair amount of tears out me. I usually brush off anime stuff but that was really good. When I watch that movie, and other good rom-coms, I become sensitive to a broader range of color of emotion, a breadth of feeling that I assume women are tuned into all the time. A third eye opens, so to speak. It's a real shame that feeling wears off about 20 min after the movie. It makes me want to move a game setting from the surface of a dead asteroid to a bed of flowers. Does anyone else have that experience?

            lots of people are gonna hate me for saying this, but i never really liked anime. i don't like the drawing style and the animations are mostly not well done imo.
            the one anime i liked (and still my favorite) is Akira, the scene where Tetsuo grows into these organs and hands, is just magnificent and super well animated. the story was also understandable and well directed.

              @DJM agree. The characters in the drawings are flat, featureless, without personality and identification. I know it goes back quite a few decades now, but could well be mass generated computer drawings.

              Personal impression, ofc.

              DJM I rewatch the same 3 every year. After I hit the age of 15, I wasn't really into it anymore until I found the avante-garde cyberpunk scene around 3 years ago. You could still call me a weeb, but I was weebified by old history books the internet, and a feudal japan museum around the age of 8. I didn't discover anime until maybe 4-5 years later.

              At this point, I wonder if Godot 4.0 will ever be released...

              "When will you make an end of it?"
              "When it is finished!"

              KanataEXE Will Godot 4 be released when all issues are resolved or mostly all of them?


              ... then again, I bet they'll do it slightly earlier :-)

              I guess the joke is that in the play "Waiting for Godot", which the engine derives its name, the characters wait for some guy named Godot the whole play and he never arrives.

                cybereality I read an article and they named it for that reason. It was taking forever to get a release. That's why the pronunciation is just like the name of the play, although I have heard an argument to it because it was originally pronounced go dot when the play was written or something. It's always been steeped in release controversy. I'm amazed they get anything out at all considering my experience with trying to release a game in a group of people.

                And as I said before, there is no reason whatsoever to revert to vendor- and platform specific middleware like .NET and proprietary languages like C# when are so many and so much better tools on the Linux platform. Faster, better documented, free, and I would expect less buggy and more stable.

                We're so much better off with C++, C, Rust and others, and all those free and well thought through scripting languages from Angelscript over Lua to Python, Perl and whatnot.

                Just say "thanks MS, but no thanks" 😜 .

                (Ready to receive what I have coming 😎 )

                  duane Who can figure out google algorithms. Everything is being distorted by them I suppose. It's always been a Microsoft trick to embrace and extend. Pretty soon you notice Mono doesn't do as many things as .Net and .Net runs on Linux. I haven't used Linux for a long time because some game engine didn't run on it. Now it's getting where my game engine of choice runs on it but somehow I'm still using Windows. There's going to be all kinds of things that don't work if I switch over. Maybe I'd think about getting a computer that was made for linux.

                    @fire7side : If you're thinking about a new PC to install Linux on, I'd suggest to go for AMD currently. You won't need any third-party or proprietary drivers, that's why. Board AM4, processor al gusto (5800 X is pretty performant, with a lot of parallel power as well), graphics card RX 6x00 XT what you're willing to pay (or a 5x00G processor if you don't need high end gaming performance), appropriate RAM 3200 MHz if not overclocking, lowest latency you can afford, one or two PCIe 3 SSDs, monitor full hd (5x00G) or 1440p (graphics card 6700 and higher).

                    One with a 5600G and no graphics card should come out at around 800 funds with monitor, casing, keyboard, mouse, cooler, cheap speakers.

                      My most recent two computers, a nettop and a desktop, are from System76, and I've been happy with them.

                      DJM isnt the play 'waiting for godot' a reference about waiting for god?

                      I didn't see the play. I just watched this, but it looks cool.

                      Strandbeest (Beach beasts):

                      Makes me want to build one :-)
                      The inventor has a lot of information including the mechanisms of his kinetic art on his web site and videos on yt. He calls them life forms.

                      "You tiny little life forms ... where are you" (Data) :-)

                      Sorry, embedding the video seems not to work.

                      I know I brought up a similiar topic up before but, I want to that about procedural generation in games again. There was this action RPG I've been playing called Fate. I heard it was a Diablo clone but, I won't know as I've never played Diablo. There is a lot to like about Fate but, it's mostly focused on procedurally generated dungeons and it's not a Roguelite. I think Fate is a good example of a non-Roguelite that uses procedurally generated levels.

                      Now despite being very addictive, I don't play a lot of games like Fate; I mostly like to play first person or third person action games. Would the idea of first dungeon crawler with procedurally generated levels sound like a bad?

                        Pixophir I've installed linux on every computer I've put my hands on in the past 3 years and everytime it's worked just fine. Maybe I'm just lucky, because I've heard pulseaudio is infamous for not working, but it's only broken on me once, and that was a user error that's fixed now. What computers does linux not install right on?

                          I haven't had much problems with Linux lately. Been using it seriously for like 6 years. Sometimes there are small issues, but I've always been able to fix them.

                          I do recall like back maybe 20 years ago Linux barely worked (or maybe I was just much more inexperienced back then) but I haven't had many issues recently.

                          As an example of not a problem, but a little complication, when I got my new PC last November I had to install the unstable branch of Debian to get rudimentary vulkan ray tracing support with the open source driver (mesa/radv) for the graphics card. Otherwise I would have had to revert to the AMD drivers (amdgpu or amdgpu pro). The latter would have been a manual installation, which means I break the updates from the repositories. I try to avoid such things, as one day there may be incompatibilities between kernel and driver.

                          Sure, you say I could read the 10 pages of small print of the release notes before updating, and you're right, but ... errr ... well ... :-)

                          Meanwhile, the mesa/radv driver is reported to be better and more performant than the amdgpu driver, and it has arrived in the testing branch of my OS which means it is available for everyone without having to climb any fences.

                          Suffice to say that with nvidia there's no choice really which driver to use (the proprietary is it) for graphics programming and gaming. The open source nouveau driver has a lot of problems, only because nvidia refuses to work with the open source community.